Shimoda Conference Series

The First Shimoda Conference (then also known as the Japanese-American Assembly) took place in 1967 as a forum for high-level but unofficial discussions of critical issues in US-Japan relations, the first of its kind in the postwar US-Japan relationship. The dialogues were held occasionally through 2011.

Exchange with the World Affairs Councils of American (WACA)

From 1986 to 2001, JCIE and WACA jointly carried out the Japan Study Program, consisting of study tours every other year for the leaders of world affairs councils. These tours were aimed at improving the relationship between Japan and the United States, raising the level of interest in and understanding of Japanese society, and creating networks between community leaders.

Asian Community Trust

Founded in 1979, the Asian Community Trust (ACT) was Japan’s first charitable trust based on general fundraising. It is committed to providing support for grassroots, self-help efforts of nongovernmental organizations involved in sustainable social and economic development across Asia.

Europe-Japan Conference

Compared to relations with the United States, Japan’s ties with Europe have been weak and lopsided. Awareness of the need to promote mutual understanding and regular contact between Europeans and Japanese prompted JCIE to launch in 1975 a series of nongovernmental exchange meetings known as the Europe-Japan Conferences, nicknamed the “Hakone Conferences” after the venue of the first meeting.

International Philanthropy Project

JCIE’s International Philanthropy Project was launched in 1974 because of a need JCIE recognized for Japan to develop truly nonprofit and nongovernmental institutions in order to become a constructive member of the international community.

ASEAN-Japan Dialogue

In 1977, JCIE initiated the ASEAN-Japan Dialogue to address salient issues in the ASEAN-Japan bilateral relationship. The project was organized in six phases over the period of fifteen years, and the subjects under study included the roles of trade and investment in the development of ASEAN countries, ASEAN-Japan mutual perceptions, and the concept of a Pacific community.

JCIE Publications | Japanese Private Philanthropy in an Interdependent World

This book highlights the preeminent private philanthropic institutions, their endowments, and their purposes from the Meiji Period through 1989; also included is information about contributions from major Japanese corporations to overseas institutions and the activities of JCIE.

JCIE Publications | Trends of Policy Research in North America, Europe and Japan: 1985–1986

This English-Japanese report analyzes major policy research institutes in North America, Europe, and Japan, as well as their research on politics, economics, and global issues.

JCIE Publications | Trends of Policy Research in North America, Europe and Japan: 1983–1984

This English-Japanese report analyzes major policy research institutes in North America, Europe, and Japan, as well as their research on politics, economics, and global issues.

JCIE Publications | Political and Security Cooperation: A New Dimension in ASEAN-Japan Relations?

This book compiles updated versions of papers submitted to the ASEAN-Japan Dialogue Conference in 1984; authors analyze Japan’s expanding role in Southeast Asia in the wake of an American withdrawal from the region that began with the US defeat in the Vietnam War.