Support JCIE/USA
A safe, free, and open world where people can thrive and enjoy healthy and sustainable lives—that is the world that we at the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) envision and are working to build through our US-Japan programs. Our programs would not be possible without our generous donors.
Your donation means the world to us.
Use the form below for the following payment methods:

ApplePay is available on iOS applications in iOS 9 and above, and on the web in Safari starting with iOS 10 or macOS Sierra.
To donate with PayPal, please click here.
To donate by check, scroll down for more information.
JCIE/USA is a 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by US law.
(NOTE: All payments are processed via Stripe; if you do not see the payment processing page when you click on continue, please check your browser preferences and enable redirects. )