2023 Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation Grand Prize Winners’ Study Tour

Ten representatives from organizations across  five countries in Asia who had received a grand prize as part of our Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation (HAPI) travelled to Japan for a weeklong study tour. This program was organized by JCIE and the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) as part of our work […]

Building Climate-Resilient & Sustainable Health Systems through US-Japan Leadership

JCIE/USA is organizing a panel discussion at the US-Japan Council’s 2023 Annual Conference to explore how the US and Japan are addressing the relationship between climate change and human health.

WEBINAR | Public Symposium Towards a Safer Transnational Migration—Bringing Together Multiple Stakeholders’ Perspectives

JCIE will hold an online public symposium, ” Towards a Safer Transnational Migration: Bringing in Migrants’ Perspectives,” to enhance information access for foreign migrants and promote accountability by comparing the experiences of individuals from Nepal and Myanmar in Japan and Korea.

FGFJ Event on “Inclusive Health Systems” on the Sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly

Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ), Friends of the Global Fight (US), Friends of the Global Fund, Europe, and Fund for the Global Fund held an event on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly’s High-Level Meetings on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR), Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and Tuberculosis (TB). The high-level discussion addressed the importance […]

FGFJ Event on “Inclusive Health Systems” on the Sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly

In September 2023, three health-related UN General Assembly High-Level Meetings were held, focusing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR), Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and Tuberculosis (TB). Capitalizing on that timing, the Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ) and its partners co-hosted a public event in New York to highlight inclusive health systems as a key […]

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

The 2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue brought together US and Japanese senior government officials, legislators, health experts, and other leaders to discuss how US-Japan collaboration can be leveraged to create more resilient, equitable, and sustainable universal health coverage (UHC) through stronger health systems, and to ensure timely and equitable access to medical countermeasures in times of crises.

Korea-Japan Forum | 31st Meeting

The 31st Korea-Japan Forum, held in Seoul, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and security issues facing the two countries, and the latest geopolitical developments in East Asia. The event also featured a Junior Forum for youths from the two countries. The 8th Japan-Korea Forum Award was also held to celebrate those to made significant contributions to Japan-Korea friendship and development.

Diet Roundtable | Defending Universal Values in the Indo-Pacific Region: Japan’s Role Post-Hiroshima Summit

JCIE brought together a group of Diet members to meet with Derek Mitchel, President, National Democratic Institute, to discuss defending human rights and universal values in the Pacific as a follow-up to the Hiroshima G7 Summit.

ROUNDTABLE | Discussion with Governor Kuroiwa on Kanagawa’s Aging and Healthcare Policy

As part of our new US-Japan Program on Healthy and Resilient Aging, JCIE hosted a discussion between Kanagawa Governor Yuji Kuroiwa and a group of experts in the fields of global health, aging, and sustainable development.

Reflections on the 2023 G7’s Global Health Commitments

Hiroshima G7 global health task force follow-up initiative

This webinar is a kick-off for the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Follow-up Initiative, and aims to reflect on the 2023 G7 communique and past G7 commitments.