Global Health Governance Study Group

Working in collaboration with the Tokyo University Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), JCIE conducted a one-year research project on global health governance, focusing on the theme of “The International Order and Japan’s Role in the COVID and Post-COVID Era.” The objective of the study group was to provide analyses on global and regional health governance systems and structures and to offer concrete recommendations about the role Japan should play in the field of global health.

Launch of the G7 Global Health Task Force

Ahead of the G7 Summit, JCIE has established the 2023 G7 Global Health Task Force under the Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda and concrete measures to be promoted for global health in the context of the rapidly changing global health architecture.

JCIE Publication | Report from Special Commission on Development Assistance for Health Calls for New ODA Approach

A report from a high-level commission organized by JCIE calls for the Japanese government to better coordinate and strategize its health ODA by creating a centralized “control tower” and to double funding for global health.

Next Steps on UHC—Moving Forward from the G20 and HLM-UHC

JCIE, in cooperation with the UN Foundation, convened a small, high-level roundtable of global health experts and policymakers on the morning after the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC to discuss what the next steps should be to turn the commitments in recent forums into concrete action, maintain momentum in advancing UHC in low- and middle-income countries, and encourage Japan and other countries to continue to lead on the UHC agenda.

Health Workforce Investment as a Driver of UHC and Economic Development

On the sidelines of TICAD7, JCIE partnered with IntraHealth International to organize this side event. Over 120 participants took part in a discussion on the wide-ranging benefits of health workforce investments not only for furthering health goals but also goals in interrelated fields such as education, gender equity, and inclusive economic growth.

FGFJ | UHC Forum 2017 Side Event: Reaching the Underserved and Vulnerable–TB Responses as a Pathway to UHC

The Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ) co-organized an official side event on the sidelines of the UHC Forum 2017. This side event explored how the TB response and the strategies to advance UHC can be aligned and leveraged to reach underserved and vulnerable populations and accelerate progress toward UHC.

Policy Recommendations for the 2016 G7 Summit in Japan: Toward Resilient and Sustainable Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

At this side event to the 2016 Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC), members of JCIE’s Global Health Working Group (GHWG) presented their draft policy recommendations for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in May 2016 with an emphasis on governance for global health in response to and in preparation for health crises.

G7 2016 Global Health Working Group

As host of the G7 Summit in 2016, Japan has the unique opportunity to set the tone for how global health priorities will be addressed in the summit agenda and help articulate how they will be formulated within the post-development framework. In order to capitalize on this opportunity and the growing momentum surrounding UHC as an increasingly important global priority, JCIE, in partnership with the University of Tokyo, has organized a Global Health Working Group (GHWG) to formulate policy proposals that will guide talks on global health.

International Conference on Universal Health Coverage in the New Development Era: Toward Building Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems

Approximately 300 leaders from around the globe—political leaders, heads of international organizations, NGO leaders, scholars, and other experts in the fields of global health and development—converged in Tokyo for a major conference on the topic of universal health coverage (UHC).

JCIE Global Health Special Series | Lessons from Japan’s “T-Shaped” Approach to TB

An interview with JCIE Senior Fellow Keizo Takemi (Member, House of Councillors) investigates the effectiveness of a “T-shaped” approach to global health by examining Japan’s use of this method in dealing with tuberculosis.