The Role of Civil Society in Domestic and International Governance

Japan Center for International Exchange

This book is a record of the 3rd Global ThinkNet Conference, convened in Paris on May 18–19, 1999. Sessions 1 and 2 of the conference consisted of presentations by members of two groups under a JCIE policy research project on Governance and Civil Society. These research projects are the International Comparative Study on Governance and Civil Society and Transnational Civil Society and Global Governance. Session 3 examined the work of leading think tanks in the United States, Japan, Germany, and France in an attempt to redefine the role of policy research institutions and identify a research agenda for the new era of globalization. Session 4 considered concrete ways in which think tanks can better cooperate internationally.



1. Foreword

2. Presentations and Summary of Discussion

Session 1: The Role of Civil Society in the Governance of Society

Session 2: Transnational Civil Society and Global Governance

Session 3: Redefining The Role of Policy Research Institutes and Identifying a New Research Agenda for a New Era

Session 4: International Think Tank Cooperation: From Concept to Concrete Actions

3. Agenda

4. Participants

Copyright © 2000 Japan Center for International Exchange. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 4-88907-051-6; 64 pages; paper