East Asia at a Crossroads

Jusuf Wanandi and Tadashi Yamamoto, eds.

Efforts to build an East Asia community have gained momentum over the past decade as East Asian leaders seek to strengthen regional cooperation and stabilize regional relations in a period of dynamic change and shifting balances of power. While community building is still at an early stage, there is a growing sense it has reached a historic crossroads where it can be further advanced or alternatively succumb to East Asia’s many disparities and emerging rivalries. In East Asia at a Crossroads, leading policy experts from inside and outside the region analyze the dynamics of regional community building and propose ways of moving forward to enhance regional peace and prosperity while strengthening East Asia’s capacity to meet its growing responsibilities.


Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International Exchange
Jusuf Wanandi, Senior Fellow, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta

I. Overview
1. East Asia at a Crossroads
Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International Exchange
James Gannon, Executive Director, Japan Center for International Exchange/USA
II. East Asia Community Building: Progress and Obstacles
2. East Asian Regionalism and Global Governance
Jusuf Wanandi, Senior Fellow, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta
3. Obstacles to East Asia Community Building
Carolina G. Hernandez, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman; Chair of the Board of Director, Institute for Strategic and Development Studies
4. Whither East Asia? Political Will and East Asian Regionalism
Qin Yaqing, Vice President Professor of International Affairs, China Foreign Affairs University
III. Strengthening the Foundations for East Asia Community
5. Expanding the Agenda for Regional Economic Cooperation
Jesus P. Estanislao, Chair, Institute of Corporate Directors and the Institute for Solidarity in Asia
6. The Strategic Rationale for East Asia Community Building
Hitoshi Tanaka, Senior Felow, Japan Center for International Exchange, with Adam P. Liff, Research Associate, Japan Center for International Exchange  and MEXT Research Scholar, University of Tokyo
7. Human Security Cooperation as a Building Block for East Asia Community
Rizal Sukma, Deputy Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta
IV. East Asian Regionalism in the International Community
8. US Perspectives on East Asia Community Building
Frank Jannuzi, Professional Staff Member, US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
9. Cooperation in Global Governance among East Asia, North America, and Europe: A European Perspective
Karl Kaiser, Director, Transatlantic Relations Program at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; Adjunct Professor of Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

By Jusuf Wanandi and Tadashi Yamamoto, eds.

Copyright © 2008 Japan Center for International Exchange. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 4-88907-078-8; 165 pages; paper