The final report of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia has been released. This report is a culmination of the independent, nonstate actor-led process of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue with the goal to:
- review the progress of the G7’s past commitments to global health issues including antimicrobial resistance and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response,
- identify remaining challenges to be addressed by the G7, and
- ensure coordination and consensus on global health priorities among nonstate stakeholders while transitioning between the 2023 Japanese G7 and the 2024 Italian G7 presidencies.
This initiative was launched by the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) based on feedback from the international advisors of Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force and extended networks, and the dialogue was co-organized by JCIE, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the International Pandemic Preparedness Secretariat, the Pandemic Action Network (PAN), PATH–Africa Region, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the Wellcome Trust under the guidance of an Advisory Committee.
The report itself includes recommendations for the 2024 G7 informed by the results of a multistakeholder survey on issue areas around R&D and access to medical countermeasures, health workforce, and financing, as well as the results of a hybrid final conference on December 1, 2023, co-organized by the nine above organizations with support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund).
The recommendations were delivered to the Italian government ahead of the transition of the G7 presidency from Japan to Italy.
The main points of the recommendations are summarized below.
The recommendations of the GHMD are based on a number of overarching principles:
- Commitments to enhancing PPPR, addressing AMR, and promoting UHC are essential to the protection of human rights and are an investment in global health security and the global economy.
- It is crucial to have sustained investment in the end-to-end ecosystem of PPPR and the fight against ongoing epidemics/endemics—from R&D to community system strengthening—with an emphasis on human resource capacity building throughout.
- To succeed, these efforts require the continuous engagement of, and the pro-motion of strategic partnership with and among, a wide range of stakeholders.
- Digital health technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), should be leveraged in appropriate ways to promote UHC and innovation.
- Planetary health must be addressed by incorporating a One Health approach at every stage and level of PPPR and AMR plans.
Based on these concepts, this report includes a series of recommendations organized around the following objectives:
- Detect and declare outbreaks rapidly and prevent pandemics by strengthening harmonized surveillance and increasing capacities in the workforce
- Accelerate R&D and ensure more timely and equitable access to medical countermeasures (MCMs) and antibiotics
- Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of existing financing and mobilize additional sustainable funding for pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response and for resilient health systems