JCIE Publications | Getting the Triangle Straight: Managing China-Japan-US Relations

In this volume, experts and emerging scholars from China, Japan, and the United States analyze the trilateral relationship and offer recommendations to better manage the volatile dynamics of trilateral relations.

JCIE Publications | New Challenges, New Approaches: Regional Security Cooperation in East Asia

Experts explore new challenges related to nontraditional security threats in East Asia, analyze the capacity of existing regional mechanisms to deal with them, and offer recommendations on the necessary steps to create a more secure region in today’s world.

JCIE Publications | Looking for Leadership: The Dilemma of Political Leadership in Japan

Looking for Leadership explores the obstacles facing Japan as it looks for greater stability and power in its leadership, and explains how these lessons can also apply to the rest of the world.

JCIE Publications | Common Ground and Common Obstacles: US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue

Highlights of a two-day discussion among American and Japanese women leaders on the shared political, security, and societal challenges facing their countries and on ways to advance women’s leadership at home and in the US-Japan relationship.

Japan’s Foreign Policy and Global Health Diet Roundtable Series

JCIE launched the “Global Health Diet Roundtable” series in 2018, followed by the “Japan’s Foreign Policy and Global Health Diet Roundtable” series in December 2023, as part of its Global Health and Human Security Program. The aim of these two series is to bring together a bipartisan assortment of Japanese parliamentarians and deepen their understanding of global health issues so that they can play a leadership role in the global health field.

Expanding Support for Democratic Governance

In 2018, JCIE launched a multi-pronged initiative to explore and expand Japan’s support for democratic governance based on the values of liberty, accountability, the rule of law, and individual dignity and empowerment. The initiative is designed to engage Japanese leaders in dialogue with domestic and overseas experts on strengthening the building blocks of democratic governance in Asia and elsewhere.

Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange Program

Japan and South Korea are facing rapid increases in immigration, leading to the development of more multicultural and multiethnic societies. In November 2017, JCIE began a two-year program aiming to facilitate the exchange of opinions on societal and governmental policy proposals to empower immigrants living in both countries.

Roundtable on Japan’s Migration Policy

In the fall of 2018, JCIE launched a new roundtable to discuss Japan’s immigration policy. The project’s 25 members include national and municipal policymakers, business leaders, experts from NPOs, academics, and foreign residents.

Learning from Disaster Responses

On March 11, 2011, a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan’s Tohoku region, triggering a nuclear meltdown in Fukushima. JCIE supported the international response by serving as a bridge between overseas donors and Japanese groups working in the disaster zone, facilitating coordination among American and Japanese humanitarian organizations, and disseminating information and analysis to support and connect responders.

Facilitating Philanthropy Program

The US-Japan Philanthropy Initiative handles charitable donations from US-based individuals and corporations in the manner of a donor-advised fund, accepting recommendations about organizations the donor prefers to support, then conducting due diligence to decide whether to make a grant to the suggested organization or others that advance the aims of the donation.