On April 25, 2014, the global health community in Tokyo commemorated World Malaria Day by emphasizing the power one person has to make a difference and by focusing on Japan’s efforts to combat malaria, a disease that continues to claim more than 600,000 lives each year.
FGFJ/JCIE worked with the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund), Malaria No More Japan, and the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) to organize the event, which included two speakers: Dr. Toshihiro Horii, a GHIT Fund grant recipient from Osaka University, who shared his experience working to develop a malaria vaccine; and Mr. Tatsuo Mizuno of Malaria No More Japan, who spoke on the importance of continued attention to this disease. Musician Anyango, the world’s first female nyatiti player and malaria activist, then performed live, adding a vibrant flair to the event. Anyango brought a personal note to her performance, having suffered from malaria while she was studying nyatiti in Kenya, where she also witnessed the toll it was taking on her neighbors.
For more information on this event, please visit the FGFJ Website.