During a recent visit to Japan, the Global Fund Interim Executive Director Marijke Wijnroks and other senior fund officials met with Parliamentary Vice Minister Iwao Horii of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ) Advisory Board, and senior government officials to advocate for Japan’s continued support for the Global Fund. In addition, the Global Fund, in cooperation with JCIE/FGFJ, held a press briefing and a career seminar.
During the trip, Wijnroks emphasized the achievements of the Global Fund and particularly the fact that it has saved 22 million lives since its inception and prevented 140 to 180 million new infections to date. She explained that the Global Fund works in different ways to meet the varied needs of the countries they support. In particular, she stressed the importance of continued work in the countries and regions with challenging operating environments due to conflicts and natural disasters.
For more information on this event, please visit the FGFJ Website.