In JCIE’S inaugural Global Health Diet Roundtable, Ambassador Mark Dybul drew on his experiences heading the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and helping launch President George W. Bush’s Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to explain how American leaders have managed to sustain bipartisan support for global health even while domestic partisan differences have bled into the debate over so many other major global issues.
The meeting convened six rising leaders in the Japanese Diet who are serving their first, second, or third terms, and it was organized as part of a roundtable series that is designed to engage up-and-coming legislators in discussions of global health and give them a chance to discuss key issues with domestic and international leaders in the field.

MARK DYBUL, Co-Director, Center for Global Health
TAKAO ANDO,, Member, House of Representatives (LDP)
MITSUKO ISHII, Member, House of Councillors (Japan Innovation Party)
HANAKO JIMI, Member, House of Councillors (LDP)
KAREN MAKISHIMA, Member, House of Representatives (LDP)
HIROAKI TABATA, Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Labour and Welfare; Member, House of Representatives (LDP)
TOSHIKO TAKEYA, Member, House of Councillors (Komeito)