On June 17, JCIE brought together 50 American and Japanese officials and experts in person at the 4th US-Japan Global Health Dialogue in Washington DC to explore US-Japan collaboration to advance health security and pandemic preparedness globally. The Track 2 dialogue was co-hosted with the US National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Participants included high-level representatives from the White House and eight other US and Japanese agencies, the World Bank, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), and nongovernmental organizations and research institutes.
The all-day dialogue addressed the following five pressing questions in particular, drawing on lessons from the COVID-19 experience: What should the United States and Japan do to strengthen the global health architecture? How can Japan and the United States cooperate on IHR reform and negotiations for a possible new pandemic accord? What can the United States and Japan do to advance a new pandemic preparedness fund? What should both countries do to realize the goals of the “100 Days Mission” to support R&D for new and emerging diseases? And how can Japan and the United States jointly promote greater synergies between UHC and health security?
The Dialogue ended with a dinner discussion featuring NAM’s Commission for a Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity and video messages from World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu and World Bank President David Malpass.

Welcoming Remarks
Akio Okawara, President and CEO, JCIE/Japan
Victor J. Dzau, President, NAM
Keizo Takemi, Member, House of Councillors
Preliminary Session Remarks
Shigeyuki Goto, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan (virtual)
Xavier Becerra, US Secretary of Health and Human Services (Represented by Hon. Loyce Pace)
Global Health Architecture
Ayako Takemi, WHO Consultant; Project Researcher, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo
Nidhi Bouri, Senior Director for Development, Global Health, and Humanitarian Response (acting), White House
Mark Dybul, Professor of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center; Former Executive Director, The Global Fund; Former US Global AIDS Coordinator
Tamaki Tsukada, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan in Washington
Pandemic Instruments and IHR
John Lange, Senior Fellow for Global Health Diplomacy, United Nations Foundation (UNF)
Hiroki Nakatani, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Keio University; Advisor for International Affairs, MHLW; member, WHO Executive Board
Loyce Pace, Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs, HHS
Takeshi Akahori, Director-General, Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Hajime Inoue, Former Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare; current Senior Health Advisor, World Bank
Carolyn Reynolds, Co-Founder, Pandemic Action Network (PAN)
Raj Panjabi, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Global Health Security & Bio Defense, White House
Kentaro Ogata, Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance (MOF)
Juan Pablo Uribe, Global Director, Health, Nutrition & Population, Director, Global Financing Facility (GFF), World Bank
R&D including 100 Days Mission
Osamu Kunii, CEO, Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund
Andrew Hebbeler, Principal Assistant Director for Health and Life Science, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Nikki Bratcher-Bowman, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), US Department of Health & Human Services
Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Chief Executive, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
Michinari Hamaguchi, Executive Director, Strategic Center of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development for Preparedness and Response (SCARDA)
Synergies between UHC and Health Security
Shunsuke Mabuchi, Head of Resilient & Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH), The Global Fund
Michelle McConnell, Director Asia and Pacific, Office of Global Affairs · HHS
Shannon Hader, Incoming Dean, School of International Service, American University; Former Assistant Secretary General, United Nations, and Deputy Executive Director of Programmes, UNAIDS
Haruka Sakamoto, Associate Professor, Tokyo Women’s Medical College
Closing Remarks
Victor J. Dzau
Keizo Takemi
Working Dinner
Welcome Remarks:
Victor J. Dzau
Video Messages:
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization
David Malpass, President, World Bank Group
Healthy and Active Aging Discussion:
Linda P. Fried, Dean of Columbia University, Dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
Hiroki Nakatani
TAKESHI AKAHORI, Director-General, Global Issues, MOFA
XAVIER BECCARA, US Secretary of Health and Human Services [message delivered by Hon. Loyce Pace]
NIDHI BOURI, Director for Global Health Response, National Security Council, White House
MARK DYBUL, Faculty Co-Director, Center for Global Health and Quality, and Professor, Department of Medicine Georgetown University Medical Center
VICTOR J. DZAU, President, US National Academy of Medicine
LINDA FRIED, Dean and DeLamar Professor of Public Health, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
SHIGEYUKI GOTO, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan *virtual
SHANNON HADER, Incoming Dean, School of International Service, American University; Former Assistant Secretary General, United Nations, and Deputy Executive Director of Programmes, UNAIDS
ANDREW HEBBELER, Principal Assistant Director for Health and Life Sciences, OSTP, White House
HAJIME INOUE, Former Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, MHLW; current Senior Health Advisor, World Bank
OSAMU KUNII, CEO and Executive Director, GHIT Fund
JOHN LANGE, Senior Fellow for Global Health Diplomacy, UNF
SHUNSUKE MABUCHI, Head of RSSH, TAP Technical Advice and Partnerships Department, The Global Fund
DAVID MALPASS, President, World Bank Group (video message)
MICHELLE MCCONNELL, Director Asia and Pacific, Office of Global Affairs, HHS
HIROKI NAKATANI, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Keio University; Advisor for International Affairs, MHLW; Member, WHO Executive Board
KENTARO OGATA, Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs, MOF
AKIO OKAWARA, President & CEO, JCIE/Japan
LOYCE PACE, Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs, HHS
RAJ PANJABI, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Global Health Security & Bio Defense, White House
HARUKA SAKAMOTO, Associate Professor, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Tokyo Women’s Medical College
AYAKO TAKEMI, WHO Consultant; Project Researcher, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo
KEIZO TAKEMI, Member, House of Councillors (LDP); Senior Fellow, JCIE
TEDROS ADHANOM GHEBREYESUS, Director-General, WHO (video message)
TAMAKI TSUKADA, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in Washington
JUAN PABLO URIBE, Global Director, Health, Nutrition & Population, Director, GFF, World Bank
ALISON BARKOFF, Acting Assistant Secretary for Aging and Administrator, Administration for Community Living, HHS *dinner session only
GEORGES BENJAMIN, Executive Director, American Public Health Association
MARA BURR, Director of Multilateral Affairs, Office of Global Affairs, HHS
SATOSHI EZOE, Director, Global Health Policy Division, MOFA
MARY BETH GOODMAN, Coordinator for Global COVID Response and Health Security, US Department of State *dinner session only
EIJI HINOSHITA, Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, MHLW
DAISUKE IIJIMA, Senior Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) USA office
KAZUYO KATO, Executive Director, JCIE/USA
REBECCA KATZ, Professor and Director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security, Georgetown University Medical Center
YOSHITAKA KITAMURA, Director, Office of Global Health Cooperation, MHLW
HAYATO KUME, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Washington
MARK LAGON, Chief Policy Officer, Friends of the Global Fight
COLIN MCIFF, Deputy Director, Office of Global Affairs, HHS
TAKASHI MIYAHARA, Executive Director, Office of the Executive Director of Japan, World Bank
KRISTINE HUSØY ONARHEIM, Senior Advisor, Section for Global Health, Education and Inclusion, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs *dinner session only
MICHAEL R. REICH, Taro Takemi Research Professor of International Health Policy, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard University
JOHN ARNE RØTTINGEN, Ambassador for Global Health, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs *dinner session only
JUNKO SATO, Office Director, Office of International Cooperation, PMDA
ERWIN TAN, Director of Thought Leadership, AARP *dinner session only
COLLIN WEINBERGER, Senior Advisor and Team Lead, Influenza and Pandemic Preparedness, Office of Global Affairs, HHS
CARRIE D. WOLINETZ, Deputy Director for Health & Life Sciences for the White House OSTP
Observers and Staff
SATOHIRO AKIMOTO, Chairman of the Board and President, Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA
CELYNNE BALATBAT, Special Assistant to the President, NAM
GAYLE BERNABE, Regional Program Officer, East/South Asia and Pacific, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
STACI CUSTUS, Global Health Program Associate, JCIE/USA
YUKO HONDA, Officer, Office of Global Health Cooperation, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MHLW
HAYLEY HUTCHISON, Global Health Program Officer, JCIE/USA
HIKARU IKARASHI, Advisor to the Executive Director, Office of the Executive Director of Japan, World Bank
MORGAN KANAREK, Director of Operations and Chief of Staff, NAM
NANAKO KITAZAKI, Coordinator, Division of Regulatory Cooperation, Office of International Programs, PMDA
HAN KOO, Global Health Officer, HHS
MELISSA LAITNER, Special Assistant to the President, NAM
EMMA LOWER-MCSHERRY, Senior Program Assistant, NAM
YUKIMASA MATSUZAWA, Deputy Director, Health Science Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MHLW; Medical Liaison to HHS, Office of the ASPR
TAKUTO MIYAMOTO, Director, AMED Washington, D.C. Office
CECILIA MUNDACA SHAH, Director, Global Health, United Nations Foundation (UNF)
ATSUHIRO OGURI, Consultant, World Bank
IVA SKOBIC, Presidential Management Fellow, HHS
ADAM TEWELL, Emergency Management Specialist, Office of Emergency Management and Medical Operations, Office of the ASPR, HHS
KATHRYN YEAZEL, Program Officer, JICA USA Office