The populations of both Japan and the United States are considered old. Japan, with more than 28% of its residents aged 65 or above, is a “super-aged society,” while the United States, at around 16% over 65, is considered an “aged society,” and both of these ratios will continue to rise in the coming decades. Both countries are also part of one of the most rapidly aging regions of the world, i.e. the Asia-Pacific. This situation has tremendous implications for the social, geopolitical, and economic welfare of both countries.
Aging is often seen as a mixed blessing. While advances in science and medicine have added years to the average lifespan, countries like the United States and Japan find themselves grappling with the challenge of how to provide affordable and high-quality care for their aging populations, how to promote greater health and resiliency among older persons to improve their quality of life, and how to ensure that that the opportunities afforded by the “silver economy” outweigh the challenges so that our two countries can continue to prosper in the decades ahead. Indeed, some experts have identified longevity as being one of the major disruptors for our countries in the near future.
In 2017, JCIE launched a joint program on Healthy Aging in Asia as an extension of our work on Global Health and Human Security. Through that process, we have identified some of the critical issues facing US and Japanese policymakers at the national and regional levels, as well as innovative work being done by local governments and agencies, the business sector, research institutes, and civil society organizations. Our work has convinced us that the United States and Japan have a lot to learn from one another, and that our cooperation on this important issue could produce substantial benefits to the health, prosperity, and stability of both our countries and the region.
JCIE has therefore launched the US-Japan Healthy & Resilient Aging program to promote US-Japan collaboration on aging issues. The program will facilitate robust dialogues at the community and national levels that engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders and spark future collaboration for the benefit of both countries and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.
For further information or to get involved, please contact us.
This program was made possible through a generous grant from the Japan Foundation,
and with the advice and encouragement of AARP.

2025 US-Japan Healthy and Resilient Aging Exchange
ROUNDTABLE | A Discussion on the Kanagawa Healthcare New Frontier, Age-Friendly Communities,and Public-Private Engagement to Achieve the SDGs
2023 US-Japan Healthy and Resilient Aging Exchange