2025 US-Japan Healthy and Resilient Aging Exchange

February 9–15, 2025
Washington DC and Columbus OH

JCIE hosted a delegation from Japan for a one-week study tour in Washington DC and Columbus, Ohio, focusing on collaboration and dialogue  on how both countries are working to address the shared challenges that come with population aging.

This 2025 program was a follow-up to our 2023 exchange program , which brought a group from Columbus to Tokyo and Kanagawa. This year’s delegation was once again a multisectoral group with representatives from the national, prefectural, and local government, as well as from academia and the nonprofit sector. The exchange provided a mutual learning opportunity focused on innovative initiatives to create age-friendly communities. It also built upon our inaugural exchange visit   to lay the foundation for long-lasting grassroots connections between Columbus and Kanagawa.

Washington DC Program

The trip began in the nation’s capital, where participants received a high-level overview of the US-Japan alliance and security relationship and the complex social welfare systems in place for older adults, including Medicare/Medicaid and social security, from experts at the Congressional Research Service . They then had the opportunity to exchange opinions with Age-Friendly DC, which operates out of the Mayor of DC’s Office, and Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA).

While a sudden snowstorm disrupted some of our in-person meetings, the group was still able to meet virtually with staff at the Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD), in what was their first meeting with an international delegation under the new US administration. They also met over Zoom with USAging, which acts as an advocacy organization for Area Agencies on Aging, or “Triple A’s,” that assist in the provision of home-based care and services for older Americans. Although they could not meet in person, the group was thrilled to receive a lovely Valentine’s Day “omiyage” (souvenir) from the USAging team!

Columbus Ohio Program

Connecting with alumni of JCIE’s first exchange program

During their time in Columbus, the delegation had opportunities to connect with members of our 2023 delegation to Japan. They kicked off their time in Columbus by meeting with Professor Holly Dabelko-Schoeny at the Age-Friendly Innovation Center (AFIC), based out of Ohio State University’s College of Social Work. They also exchanged views with Columbus City Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla and heard from the Director of the Central Ohio Agency on Aging (COAAA), the Triple A that covers Columbus, about the work of her agency. Finally, they met with Matthew Martin at the Columbus Foundation, who provided an overview of the key role that community foundations play in philanthropy in the United States.

Learning about advocacy and philanthropy in the US

In addition to meeting with Matthew Martin, the group also met with AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons), and they were fascinated to learn about the critical role the organization plays in advocating for the voices of older people in the United States. AARP also acts as the coordinator of age-friendly activities in the US through its “AARP Livable Communities Program.” These models of philanthropy and advocacy are quite different than what exists in Japan and were therefore met with great interest, leading to discussions among the delegation on whether some aspects might be adaptable to the Japanese context.

Visits to Upper Arlington and Worthington

The group traveled  to the nearby communities of Upper Arlington and Worthington. In Upper Arlington, they were greeted by Mayor Ukem Awakessien Jeter, who presented the group with a key to the city. They then visited the construction site of a new community center that is being built with the needs of older people in the community in mind. In Worthington , they met with City Councilmember Beth Kowalczyk, who also acts as the CEO of the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging. She and her colleagues from the city government introduced Worthington’s age-friendly initiatives and their sister-city program with Sayama City in Saitama.

Transportation and Emergency Response for Older People

As communities age, it is critical to think about how to adjust programs and services to meet the specific needs of this demographic. The delegation engaged with staff at the Central Ohio Transportation Agency (COTA)to learn about how they are creating innovative transport solutions to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities. They also visited the Ohio Emergency Management Agency to learn about disaster preparedness and response—a particularly relevant topic for Japan given its high frequency of natural disasters.

Engaging the Broader US-Japan Community

The group also had the chance to engage with the broader US-Japan community through a public event organized in collaboration with the Japan-America Society of Central Ohio (JASCO) and supported by the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit. Delegation members Wataru Kasahara and Yuiko Nagamine joined Ms. Erin Clepper, a Research Engineer at 99P Labs, Honda Research Institute USA, to discuss the intersection of aging societies and technology. This also served as JCIE USA’s first public event as part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations! 


GORO GOTO, Councilmember, Kamakura City Assembly 

WATARU KASAHARA, Group Leader, Senior Citizens’ Welfare Group, Senior Citizens’ Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Welfare and Children’s Future Bureau, Kanagawa Prefecture 

YUIKO NAGAMINE, Deputy Director, Division of the Health for the Elderly, Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan 

KAZUOKI OHARA, Professor Emeritus, Yokohama National University 

KENSUKE SUGAHARA, Executive Director, Grungtvig, inc. 

This program was made possible through a generous grant from the Japan Foundation,
and with the advice and encouragement of AARP.