The 12th Japanese-German Forum was held in Berlin on October 31, 2003. Approximately 20 participants gathered for discussions focusing mainly on the topics of structural reform in Germany and Japan and international relations after the Iraq war. State Secretary Alfred Tacke of German’s Ministry of Economics and Labour, who has played a central role in Germany’s economic reform initiatives, took part in a discussion on these reform efforts.
October 31
Session I: Structural Reforms in Germany and Japan—Pace and Outlook
Ulrich CARTELLIERI, Member of Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Karl-Ludwig KLEY, Chief Financial Officer, Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Akira KOJIMA, Managing Director/ Editorial Page Editor, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Session II: Geopolitics after the Iraq War
Yuzaburo MOGI, President and CEO, Kikkoman Corporation
Theo SOMMER, Editor-at-Large, DIE ZEIT
Yoshimasa HAYASHI, Member, House of Councillors (Liberal Democratic Party)
Final Session
Chairman | |
Dr. Ulrich CARTELLIERI | Member of Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG |
Participants | |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ann-Kristin ACHLEITNER | Professor, Technical University of Munich |
Dr. Thilo Graf BROCKDORFF | Member of the Foundation Council, Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) |
MDg Dr. Christian HAUSWEDELL | Director for Asian and Pacific Affairs for the Federal Foreign Office |
Gebhard HIELSCHER | Journalist; Director, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Tokyo |
Prof. Dr. Irmela HIJIYA-KIRSCHNEREIT | Director, German Institute for Japanese Studies |
Karl-Ludwig KLEY | Chief Financial Officer, Deutsche Lufthansa AG |
Prof. Manfred LAHNSTEIN | Special Representative of the Board, Bertelsmann AG; former Federal Minister of Finance |
Dr. Otto Graf LAMBSDORFF | Former Federal Minister of Economics |
Prof. Dr. Hanns W. MAULL | Professor of Political Science, Trier University; Senior Advisor German Council on Foreign Relations |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Heinz RIESENHUBER | Member of Parliament (CDU); Former Federal Minister for Research and Technology |
Ambassador Henrik SCHMIEGELOW | German Ambassador to Japan |
Dr. Theo SOMMER | Editor-at-Large, DIE ZEIT |
Angelika VIETS | Secretary-General, JDZB |
Chairman | |
Yuzaburo MOGI | President and CEO, Kikkoman Corporation |
Participants |
Yoshimasa HAYASHI | Member of the House of Councillors (Liberal Democratic Party–LDP) |
Akira KOJIMA | Managing Director/Editorial Page Editor, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Jiro SAITO | Chairman and Chief Executive, The Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange; former Administrative Vice Minister of Finance |
Yushu TAKASHIMA | Japanese Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany |
Naoki TANAKA | President, The 21st Century Public Policy Institute |
Michiaki TSURUMI | President, Sony Europe GmbH; Group Executive Officer, Sony Corporation |
Taizo YAKUSHIJI | Member, Council for Science and Technology Policy of the Cabinet Office; Executive Research Director, International Institute for Policy Studies (IIPS) |
Tadashi YAMAMOTO | President, Japan Center for International Exchang |