The 24th Korea-Japan Forum was held in Tokyo on August 24–26, 2016, convening 50 participants from both countries, including influential politicians, businesspeople, scholars, journalists, and representatives of private exchange organizations.
Discussions were held on the themes of “Japan-Korea grassroots/citizen exchange,” “Japanese and Korean foreign policy and security policy,” “Japan-Korea economic cooperation in the context of current international conditions,” and “what strategic interests do Japan and Korea share?” Following the meeting, a chairmen’s statement was released that reflected the discussions in each session and proposed a number of recommendations such as cooperation in light of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in Winter 2019 in Korea and Summer 2020 in Tokyo, and the establishment of regular Japan-Korea summits along the lines of those created by the Élysée Treaty signed by France and Germany in the 1960s.
This year marked the inauguration of a new tradition, the Korea-Japan Forum Award, to be given to individuals and institutions that have made notable contributions to Korea-Japan relations. The first award was given posthumously to Yoshibumi Wakamiya (former editor-in-chief, Asahi Shimbun; former senior fellow, JCIE), who had been deeply involved in the work of the Korea-Japan Forum since its inception. During this year’s forum, the award was presented to Mr. Wakamiya’s wife and son.
On the final day, 21 students from both countries were brought together for the 2nd Korea-Japan Junior Forum. The students broke into three groups for frank exchanges of opinion, and concluded the forum with a promise to work to build friendly relations between the countries.
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Erize joyaku no chie” [The wisdom of the Élysée Treaty] (Mainichi Shimbun, August 26, 2016 (in Japanese))

About the Korea-Japan Forum
The Korea-Japan Forum was initiated in November 1993 during a summit meeting between South Korean President Kim Young-sam and Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, where they called for the formation of a new, forward-looking relationship between the two countries. The forum is designed to address common issues and this continuing dialogue has played a critical role in promoting mutual understanding and expanding the network of cooperative relationships between the two countries. JCIE and the Korea Foundation serve as the secretariats. The forum takes place annually and is held alternately in Korea and Japan.
August 24
Session I: Korea-Japan Grassroots/Citizen Exchange
Strategies for expanding the flow of grassroots/citizen exchanges
The role of organizations promoting Korea-Japan exchange and ways to strengthen them
Initiatives for promoting trilateral exchange between Korea, Japan, and China Cooperation in the context of the upcoming Olympics
KOHARI SUSUMU, Professor, University of Shizuoka
SUH SEUNG WON, Director, Global Institute for Japanese Studies, Korea University
MATSUYAMA RYOICHI, President, Japan National Tourism Organization
Dinner hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
August 25
Session II: Japanese and Korean Foreign and Security Policy
Creating a Japan, South Korea, US, China framework to respond to North Korea
The new US administration and Northeast Asia policy
The rise of China and the implications for maritime security
CHANG JEKUK, President, Dongseo University
JIN CHANG-SOO, President, Sejong Institute
TANAKA HITOSHI, Chairman, Institute for International Strategy, Japan Research Institute, Ltd.; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Special Session: 1st Korea-Japan Forum Award Ceremony and Lecture
IOKIBE MAKOTO [Japanese Chair]
YU MYUNG HWAN [Korean Chair]
CHUNG KU CHONG, Chairman, Korea-Japan Cultural Exchange Council
OKONOGI MASAO, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
Session III: Japan-Korea Economic Cooperation in the Context of the Current International Conditions
China’s economy and changes in the global economic environment
Constructing the framework for trade and commerce in East Asia—TPP, RCEP, etc.
New directions in Korea-Japan economic cooperation
KORENAGA KAZUO, Senior Executive Director, Japan-Korea Economic Association
AHN SE YOUNG, Chairperson, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences
FUKAGAWA YUKIKO, Professor, Waseda University
August 25
Session VI: Session IV: Wrap-Up—What Strategic Interests Do Japan and Korea Share?
Common political, economic, and cultural interests
Shared strategic interests within the East Asian framework
Wrap-up discussion in preparation for chairmen’s statement
SHIM KYU SUN, Associate Executive Director, Donga Ilbo
YUN DUKMIN, Chancellor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy
SOEYA YOSHIHIDE, Professor, Keio University
Closing Ceremony—Special Remarks: “Rememberances of the Creation of the Korea-Japan Forum and its Relevance Today”
OWADA HISASHI, Judge, International Court of Justice; 1st Japanese Chairman, Korea-Japan Forum
Side Event: 2nd Korea-Japan Junior Forum
OGURA KIZO, Professor, Kyoto University
PARK CHEOL HEE, Professor, Seoul National University; Director, Institute for Japanese Studies, SNU
Undergraduate and graduate students from Japan and Korea
IOKIBE MAKOTO | Chancellor, Prefectural University of Kumamoto; former President, National Defense Academy |
OWADA HISASHI | Judge, International Court of Justice; 1st Japanese Chairman, Korea-Japan Forum |
ASO YUTAKA | Chairman, Aso Cement Co.; Vice-Chairman, Japan-Korea Economic Association |
CHINO KEIKO | Contributing Editor, Sankei Shimbun |
FUKAGAWA YUKIKO | Professor, Waseda University |
FUKUYAMA TETSURO | Member, House of Councillors (Democratic Party:DP) |
HAKODA TETSUYA | Editorial Writer, Asahi Shimbun |
HASHIMOTO KEIICHIRO | Executive Vice President, COO, Shioyatochi Co. |
HAYASHI YOSHIMASA | Member, House of Councilors (Liberal Democratic Party: LDP) |
HIRAIWA SHUNJI | Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University |
IDEISHI TADASHI | Executive Commentator, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) |
IKEDA MOTOHIRO | Deputy Chief Editorial Writer, NIKKEI Inc. |
KOHARI SUSUMU | Professor, University of Shizuoka |
KOIZUMI SHINICHI | Senior Advisor, Toray Industries, Inc.; Vice-Chairman, Japan-Korea Economic Association |
KORENAGA KAZUO | Senior Executive Director, Japan-Korea Economic Association |
MAEHARA SEIJI | Member, House of Representatives (DP) |
MATSUYAMA RYOICHI | President, Japan National Tourism Organization |
NISHIKAWA MEGUMI | Invited Senior Editorial Writer, Mainichi Shimbun |
OGURA KIZO | Professor, Kyoto University |
OKAWARA AKIO | President, Japan Center for International Exchange |
OKONOGI MASAO | Professor Emeritus, Keio University |
SAITO KEN | Member, House of Representatives (LDP);Senior Vice Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers |
SOEYA YOSHIHIDE | Professor, Keio University |
TANAKA HITOSHI | Chairman, Institute for International Strategy, Japan Research Institute, Ltd.; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs |
TOKUCHI TATSUHITO | Senior Fellow, Rebuild Japan Initiative |
TOYOURA JUNICHI | Deputy Editor, International News Department, Yomiuri Shimbun |
UEDA ISAMU | Member, House of Representatives (Komeito) |
YU MYUNG HWAN | Chairman, Sejong University; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
AHN SE YOUNG | Chairperson, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences |
CHANG JEKUK | President, Dongseo University |
CHOI HEE SIK | Assistant Professor, School of International Area Studies, Kookmin University |
CHUNG JAE JEONG | Professor, University of Seoul |
CHUNG KU CHONG | Chairman, Korea-Japan Cultural Exchange Council |
GONG RO MYUNG | Chairman, East Asia Foundation; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs |
HWANG YOUNGSIK | Chief Editorial Writer, Hankook Ilbo |
JIN CHANG-SOO | President, Sejong Institute |
KIM JOON | President, Kyungbang Ltd. |
KIM SE YEON | Member of the National Assembly (Saenuri Party) |
LEE SIHYUNG | President, Korea Foundation |
OH TAI KYU | Chief Editorial Writer, Hankyoreh |
PARK CHEOL HEE | Professor, Seoul National University; Director, Institute for Japanese Studies, SNU |
PARK JOON-WOO | Chairman, Sejong Institute; former Senior Secretary to the President for Political Affairs |
SHIM KYU SUN | Associate Executive Director, Donga Ilbo |
SHIM YOON-JOE | Member of the National Assembly (Saenuri Party) |
SHIN KAK-SOO | Director, Center for International Law, Korea National Diplomatic Academy; former Ambassador to Japan |
SONU JONG | Editor Writer, Chosun Ilbo |
SUH SEUNG WON | Director, Global Institute for Japanese Studies, Korea University |
YUN DUKMIN | Chancellor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy |
YUN SUK-MYNN | Vice-chairman, SBS Media Holdings Ltd. |
KANG HYOSANG | Member of the National Assembly (Saenuri Party) |