US Congressional Staff Exchange
As a complement to the ongoing US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program, JCIE established the US Congressional Staff Exchange Program in 1982 in recognition of the vital role Congressional staff members play in policymaking. The one-week study program provides senior Congressional staffers with the opportunity to meet Japanese legislators and policymakers and thus give them a sense of the Japanese policymaking process as well as political, economic, and societal trends. Participants also take part in briefings and roundtables with leading experts on bilateral, regional, and global issues, particularly those related to security and trade.
The program is designed to provide these influential staff members with a deeper appreciation of the US-Japan relationship and a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges for US government leaders, businesses, and other key decision makers in their interactions with Japan. By doing so, it helps enhance the quality of policy advice provided to US legislators. It is the longest-running congressional staff exchange with Japan and is operated on an application basis.

2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange
May 25–June 1, 2024 | Tokyo and Kumamoto
The 2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional staffers the chance to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

2023 US Congressional Staff Exchange
October 9–October 15, 2023 | Tokyo and Hiroshima
The 2023 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional Staff the opportunity to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

ROUNDTABLE | Discussion with US Congressional Staff on Priorities of the 118th Congress
December 15, 2022 | Washington DC
JCIE/USA hosted a luncheon discussion with alumni of our US-Japan Congressional Staff Exchange Program, to share their thoughts on what to expect from the 118th Congress following the 2022 midterm ele…

2022 US Congressional Staff Delegation
October 10–October 16, 2022 | Tokyo and Okinawa
The 2022 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program took 8 Congressional Staffers to Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

Congressional Staff Briefing on US-Japan Relations
April 13, 2022 | Washington DC
JCIE/USA hosted a briefing with Minister Ishigaki (Embassy of Japan), Emma Chanlett-Avery, and Mark Manyin (Congressional Research Service) to update Congressional Staff on the latest developments for…

Japan 101 Course: US Japan Relations During the Biden-Suga Era | 2021 Session
March 2–26, 2021 | Online
The Spring 2021 run of JCIE’s online course for Congressional Staff, which provides them with opportunities to meet e world’s top experts on US-Japan security, trade, and political issues.

Japan 101 Course: Understanding US Japan Relations | 2020 Session
September 8–October 6, 2020 | Online
The first run of JCIE’s online course for Congressional Staff, which provides them with opportunities to meet e world’s top experts on US-Japan security, trade, and political issues.

2019 US Congressional Staff Delegation
May 25–June 1, 2019 | Tokyo and Aichi
The 2019 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 28th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with a wide range of Japanese leaders, cabine…

2018 US Congressional Staff Delegation
May 26–June 2, 2018 | Tokyo and Kyoto
Six US Congressional staff took part in an intensive, weeklong series of roundtables, briefings, and site visits in Tokyo and Kyoto, meeting with a wide range of Japanese leaders, government represent…

2017 US Congressional Staff Delegation
May 27–June 3, 2017 | Tokyo and Hiroshima
The 2017 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 26th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with a wide range of Japanese leaders, cabine…

2016 US Congressional Staff Delegation
July 23–30, 2016 | Tokyo and Nagoya
The 2016 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 25th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Tokyo and Nagoya, where they met and engaged in discussions with a wide range of Japanese lead…

2015 US Congressional Staff Delegation
November 7–14, 2015 | Tokyo, Yokohama, Okinawa
The 2015 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 24th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with policy experts, government officials, an…

2014 US Congressional Staff Delegation
June 28–July 5, 2014 |
The 2014 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 23rd delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with Diet members, US Embassy officials, and…

2013 US Congressional Staff Delegation
August 3–10, 2013 | Tokyo, Yokohama, Okinawa
The 2013 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 22nd delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with corporate and nonprofit sector leaders,…

2010 US Congressional Staff Delegation
February 13–20, 2010 | Tokyo and Kanagawa
The 2010 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 21st delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with Diet members, US Embassy officials, and…
This program is made possible thanks to generous funding from the Japan–United States Friendship Commission.