1st–19th US Congressional Delegations to Japan


The US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program was conceived in 1967 at a conference of high-level American and Japanese political, opinion, and business leaders held in Shimoda, Japan. The Shimoda Conference pointed out the growing role of legislators in US-Japan relations as well as their relative lack of knowledge about each other’s societies. To remedy this Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield called for the creation of a nongovernmental political exchange program between the two countries. When the US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program was launched in 1968, its initial focus was on introductory generalities, but with the maturation of the US-Japan relationship, the focus has shifted to the enhancement of dialogue on bilateral and global policy issues.

The following are the participants who comprised the first 19 delegations of US members of Congress to Japan, along with the house to which they belonged and the year in which they traveled to Japan:

Bill Archer

House of Representatives, 1975, 1985

Les AuCoin

House of Representatives, 1984

Howard Baker

Senate, 1969

Max Baucus

Senate, 1982, 1986

Glenn Beall

Senate, 1971

Henry Bellman

Senate, 1977

Doug Bereuter

House of Representatives, 1986, 1990

Howard Berman

House of Representatives, 1989

Jeff Bingaman

Senate, 1985, 1989, 1990

Rick Boucher

House of Representatives, 1988

Bill Bradley

Senate, 1981

Jack Brooks

House of Representatives, 1972

Caldwell Butler

House of Representatives, 1982

Clifford Case

Senate, 1969

Rod Chandler

House of Representatives, 1987

Thomas Coleman

House of Representatives, 1982

Dick Clark

Senate, 1975

William Clay

House of Representatives, 1973

William Clinger

House of Representatives, 1981

Jeffrey Cohelan

House of Representatives, 1968

Ronald Coleman

House of Representatives, 1988

James Corman

House of Representatives, 1971

John Culver

House of Representatives, 1968

Lawrence DeNardis

House of Representatives, 1982

Butler Derrick

House of Representatives, 1981

Norman Dicks

House of Representatives, 1984

Thomas Downey

House of Representatives, 1977, 1980

Robert Duncan

House of Representatives, 1976

John Durkin

Senate, 1976

Dennis Eckart

House of Representatives, 1985

John Erlenborn

House of Representatives, 1972

Alan Ertel

House of Representatives, 1977

Frank Evans

House of Representatives, 1975

Paul Fannin

Senate, 1971

Thomas Foley

House of Representatives, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990

Wyche Fowler

House of Representatives, 1982

Barney Frank

House of Representatives, 1985

Donald Fraser

House of Representatives, 1973

Bill Frenzel

House of Representatives, 1975

Martin Frost

House of Representatives, 1985

Sam Gejdenson

House of Representatives, 1984

Richard Gephardt

House of Representatives, 1983

Sam Gibbons

House of Representatives, 1973

Dan Glickman

House of Representatives, 1986

Bart Gordon

House of Representatives, 1989

Al Gore

House of Representatives, 1981

Bill Gradison

House of Representatives, 1980, 1983

Judd Gregg

House of Representatives, 1985

Lee Hamilton

House of Representatives, 1982, 1983

Tom Harkin

Senate, 1986

Vance Hartke

Senate, 1971

James Hayes

House of Representatives, 1989

James Howard

House of Representatives, 1972

William Hungate

House of Representatives, 1972

Henry Hyde

House of Representatives, 1983

Nancy Johnson

House of Representatives, 1989

Robert Legett

House of Representatives, 1968

Sander Levin

House of Representatives, 1990

William Mailliard

House of Representatives, 1968, 1969

Robert Mathias

House of Representatives, 1971

Robert Matsui

House of Representatives, 1986

Spark Matsunaga

House of Representatives, 1969

James McClure

Senate, 1973, 1975

Joseph McDade

House of Representatives, 1975

Robert McEwen

House of Representatives, 1972

Matthew McHugh

House of Representatives, 1985

Thomas McMillen

House of Representatives, 1989

Lee Metcalf

Senate, 1969, 1971

Robert Michel

House of Representatives, 1988

Barbara Mikulski

House of Representatives, 1977

John Miller

House of Representatives, 1989

Norman Mineta

House of Representatives, 1976, 1983

Robert Morgan

Senate, 1977

Frank Moss

Senate, 1969

Frank Murkowski

Senate, 1982, 1984

Edmund Muskie

Senate, 1969

Howard Nielson

House of Representatives, 1986

Sam Nunn

Senate, 1975

James O’Hara

House of Representatives, 1968, 1969, 1973

Leon Panetta

House of Representatives, 1981, 1988

James Pearson

Senate, 1969

Charles Percy

Senate, 1976

Thomas Petri

House of Representatives, 1981, 1984, 1990

Joel Pritchard

House of Representatives, 1980

David Pryor

House of Representatives, 1969, 1971

Dan Quayle

House of Representatives, 1977

Albert Quie

House of Representatives, 1973

Thomas Railsback

House of Representatives, 1971, 1976

Bill Richardson

House of Representatives, 1987

Jay Rockefeller

Senate, 1987

Charlie Rose

House of Representatives, 1990

William Roth

Senate, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1990

Donald Rumseld

House of Representatives, 1968, 1969

James Sasser

Senate, 1983

Harold Sawyer

House of Representatives, 1977

Herman Schneebeli

House of Representatives, 1968, 1971, 1973

Richard Schweiker

Senate, 1976

Hugh Scott

Senate, 1969, 1971

James Sensenbrenner

House of Representatives, 1984, 1988

James Shannon

House of Representatives, 1983

Philip Sharp

House of Representatives, 1981

Norman Shumway

House of Representatives, 1982

Denny Smith

House of Representatives, 1985

John Spratt

House of Representatives, 1987

Robert Stafford

Senate, 1972

William Steiger

House of Representatives, 1976

Louis Stokes

House of Representatives, 1969, 1971

Samuel Stratton

House of Representatives, 1973, 1975, 1981, 1984

Morris Udall

House of Representatives, 1969, 1971

Pat Williams

House of Representatives, 1986

Tim Wirth

House of Representatives, 1984

Bob Wise

House of Representatives, 1988, 1990

Wendell Wyatt

House of Representatives, 1968, 1971, 1973

Andrew Young

House of Representatives, 1975