The 19th Group Conference was convened in Kamakura, Japan, on February 14–16, 2003. Participants shared views on economic cooperation and developments in Asia and Europe, the role of science and technology in future economic growth, and the potential for cooperation between NGOs in both countries in addressing global challenges. They also met with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
February 14
Session I: Developments in Japan and Asia and Developments in the UK and EuropeSpeakers: KEIZO TAKEMI, Member, House of Councillors SEIJI MAEHARA, Member, House of Representatives LORD BURNS, Chairman, Abbey National plc
February 15
Session II: Regional Economic CooperationSpeakers: KOJI WATANABE, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; Executive Advisor, Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) RICHARD PORTES, Professor of Economics, London Business School and President, Centre for Economic Policy Research
Session III: The Role of Science and Technology in Generating Future Economic GrowthSpeakers: TERUAKI AOKI, Corporate Executive Vice President, Sony Corporation TIDU MAINI, Pro-Rector, Development and Corporate Affairs, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London
Working Dinner: New Security Challenges in East AsiaSpeaker: MASASHI NISHIHARA, President, National Defense Academy
February 16
Session IV: The Role of Universities in SocietySpeakers: TAKESHI SASAKI, President, University of Tokyo SIR COLIN CAMPBELL, Vice-Chancellor, Nottingham University
Session V: Cooperation of NGOs of the UK and Japan in Addressing Global ChallengesSpeakers: HIROSHI TOMITA, Executive Director and Secretary General, Japan Alliance for Humanitarian Demining Support (JAHDS) JENNY BORDEN, Chair, Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG); Former International Director, Christian Aid and Non-Executive Director, Crown Agents
Concluding LuncheonUK PARTICIPANTS | |
THE RT. HON. PETER MANDELSON MP | Member of the House of Commons, Labour; Former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Secretary of State for Trade and Industry |
PETER F BERRY CMG | Chairman, Crown Agents |
JENNY BORDEN | Chair, Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG); Former International Director, Christian Aid and Non-Executive Director, Crown Agents |
LORD BURNS OF PITSHANGER GCB | Chairman, Abbey National plc |
PROFESSOR SIR COLIN CAMPBELL | Vice-Chancellor, Nottingham University |
MELVILLE GUEST | Executive Director, UK-Japan 21st Century Group; Former Chief Executive, Asia House |
FABIAN HAMILTON MP | Member of the House of Commons, Labour; Member, Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee |
THE RT. HON. LORD HOWELL OF GUILDFORD | Former Chairman, UK-Japan 21st Century Group; House of Lords |
SHIGEAKI KATAGIRI | Managing Director, Representative in Japan, UBS Warburg (Japan) Ltd; Vice Chairman, UBS Group in Japan |
RICHARD LAMBERT | Former Editor-in-Chief, The Financial Times |
ANTHONY LOEHNIS CMG | Treasurer and former Executive Director, UK-Japan 21st Century Group |
DR. TIDU MAINI | Pro Rector, Development and Corporate Affairs, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London |
PIETER MONTYN | Executive Vice-President, Regional Marketing, BAE Systems |
MICHAEL MOORE MP | Member of the House of Commons, Liberal Democrats; Deputy Spokesman on Foreign Affairs |
WILLIAM MORROW | President, Japan Telecom |
THE RT. HON. SIR RICHARD NEEDHAM | Chairman, Dyson plc; Former Minister of Trade |
TOM PHILLIPS | Group Director, Public Policy, Cable and Wireless plc |
PROFESSOR RICHARD PORTES CBE | Professor of Economics, London Business School and President, Centre for Economic Policy Research |
IAN THOMAS | Business Development Director, AMEC plc |
SIR DAVID WRIGHT GCMG LVO | Vice-Chairman, Barclays Capital; Former British Ambassador to Korea and Japan; Former Group Chief Executive, British Trade International |
YASUHISA SHIOZAKI | Member, House of Representatives; Former Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Finance |
HATSUO AOKI | President, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical, Ltd. |
TERUAKI AOKI | Corporate Executive Vice President, Sony Corporation |
KIYOHIKO FUKUSHIMA | Chief Economist, Economic Research Department, Nomura Research Institute |
YOSHINORI IMAI | Director General, International Planning and Broadcasting Department, NHK |
YOSHIO ISHIZAKA | Executive Vice President, Toyota Motor Corporation |
YASUO KUBOTA | Assistant General Secretary, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC-RENGO) |
SEIJI MAEHARA | Member, House of Representatives |
MASASHI NISHIHARA | President, National Defense Academy |
HAJIME SASAKI | Chairman of the Board, NEC Corporation |
TAKESHI SASAKI | President, University of Tokyo |
YUKIO SATOH | President, Japan Institute of International Affairs; Former Ambassador to UN |
HIDEYA TAIDA | Executive Director, The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) |
KEIZO TAKEMI | Member, House of Councillors |
HARUHISA TAKEUCHI | Minister, Embassy of Japan to the UK |
HIROSHI TOMITA | Executive Director and Secretary General, Japan Alliance for Humanitarian Demining Support (JAHDS) |
ISAMU UEDA | Member, House of Representatives |
KOJI WATANABE | Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; Executive Advisor, Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) |
TADASHI YAMAMOTO | President, Japan Center for International Exchange |
FUMIHIKO YOSHIDA | Editorial Writer, The Asahi Shimbun |