JCIE Publications | Becoming Strategic Partners: Lessons for NGOs and Government Agencies from the American Experience

This report examines how strategic partnerships between NGOs and the US Government operate and why they emerged, drawing lessons on how Japanese NGOs might develop similar partnerships and build the foundations for deeper US-Japan cooperation on development.
JCIE Publication | Supporting Disaster Survivors in Japan

This report highlights Kamaishi City Social Welfare Council, Kodomo no Empowerment Iwate, Kurashi no Supporters, and SakuraNet, four nonprofit organizations that received $2.8 million in United Way Worldwide Funding.
Immersive Learning: A Haunted House in Japan Teaches Citizens Earthquake Preparedness

At the Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park, visitors go through an “experience learning facility” where they’re taught how to survive in the immediate aftermath of a major natural disaster. In a country like Japan, where major earthquakes threaten to kill thousands and decimate GDP, this kind of simulation training could be invaluable to the civilian population.
International Philanthropy and Disasters in Developed Countries: The US Response to Japan’s 3.11 Disaster

An analysis of the US philanthropic response to the 3/11 disaster in Japan and the challenges of donor coordination for disasters in developed countries.
JCIE Publications | Strengthening US-Japan NGO Partnerships on Humanitarian Responses

This two-year study assesses the effectiveness of Japanese NGOs’ international partnerships in the response to the 3/11 disaster. Based on interviews with key figures from Japanese and Western NGOS, donors, and governments, JCIE proposes nine measures to strengthen US-Japan NGO partnerships.
JCIE Publications | Innovative Disaster Responses: Model Approaches from Japan’s 3/11 Disaster

In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the role of the Japanese civil society in the recovery and reconstruction process, this report analyzes four innovative projects that can be emulated after disasters in other countries.
JCIE Publications | Bringing People Together: Assessing the Impact of 3/11 on US-Japan Grassroots Exchange

Dr. Atsuko Geiger analyzes the depth of preexisting US-Japan grassroots ties, which was made evident by the international response to Japan’s 3/11 disaster, and also how these efforts can continue to play a role in the future.
US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange | 2015 Japanese Diet Delegation to the US

The 2015 US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program brought the 28th delegation of Japanese diet members and parliamentarians to the US, where they met and engaged in discussions with members of Congress and their staff, journalists, and policy experts.
UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 28th Conference

The 28th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group was convened in London on May 19–22, 2011. Thirty-two senior Japanese and British figures discussed areas for potential greater collaboration between Japan and the United Kingdom.
Strengthening Nongovernmental Contributions to Regional Security Cooperation | Tokyo Workshop

On January 18–19, 2010, the participants gathered in Tokyo for a workshop to discuss initial findings of a project examining (1) the roles of civil society in enhancing regional security cooperation, (2) common features of the roles of civil society beyond the issue areas, and (3) key factors for successes of civil society activities contributing to regional security cooperation.