JCIE Publications | Asia on the Move: Regional Migration and the Role of Civil Society

Experts analyze migration trends in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia; government efforts to manage this movement; and the role of NGOs in helping to protect migrants and to harness migration to benefit the region.

JCIE Publications | Fighting a Rising Tide: The Response to AIDS in East Asia

In this book, experts around Asia Pacific examine how government, civil society, corporations, and media are responding to the rising tide of HIV/AIDS infection that is afflicting the region.

JCIE Publications | Humanitarian Intervention: The Evolving Asian Debate

This book presents a comparative analysis of Asian views on humanitarian intervention, with chapters on China, India, Japan, South Korea, and member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

JCIE Publications | Governance and Civil Society in a Global Age

The authors discuss the current state of civil society in their own countries, the challenges facing institutions of governance, the need to reform domestic governance, and the evolution of the role of civil society in governance.

JCIE Publications | Korea-Japan Relations in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities

This book contains essay presented to the 4th Korea-Japan Intellectual Exchange Conference, which coincided with a period of change in both Korea and Japan–in Korea, the inauguration of a new government was seen as a possible harbinger of rapprochement following tense bilateral strains.

Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange Program

Japan and South Korea are facing rapid increases in immigration, leading to the development of more multicultural and multiethnic societies. In November 2017, JCIE began a two-year program aiming to facilitate the exchange of opinions on societal and governmental policy proposals to empower immigrants living in both countries.

Asia Pacific Security Outlook (APSO)

From 1997 to 2005, JCIE sponsored the Asia Pacific Security Outlook (APSO), an annual research project on regional security issues that produced a publication of the same name. The APSO project monitored changing perceptions of countries in the region in regard to their security environment, national defense issues, and contributions to regional and global security.

Korea-Japan Forum

The Korea-Japan Forum was initiated in 1993, when South Korean President Kim Young-sam and Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa called for the formation of a new, forward-looking relationship between the two countries. Since then, the forum has taken place annually and is held alternately in Korea and Japan, bringing together about 50 policy experts, government officials, legislators, journalists, business executives, and civil society leaders from the two countries.

International Comparative Study on Governance and Civil Society

An international team of researchers was assembled to compare the diverse dimensions of the intricate relationship between civil society and governance in eight countries around the world, with the goal of futher stimulating debate in Japan and in other countries on the changing role of civil society.

APPC Survey: Governance, Organizational Effectiveness and the Nonprofit Sector

The Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium (APPC) was launched in 1994 as an informal network of like-minded institutions that support the growth and development of Asian grantmaking philanthropies. JCIE served as the focal point within Japan for coordinating APPC activities in Japan. It has since been acquired by Give2Asia.