East Asia Insights | Japanese Foreign Policy Under Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda

This issue addresses several questions about Fukuda’s election and its implications for Japan’s foreign policy, as Fukuda is likely to adopt a more subtle approach to foreign affairs.

East Asia Insights | A Japanese Perspective on US Policy toward East Asia

This issue contributes a series of suggestion, from the Japanese perspective, on how the United States can most effectively remain engaged and ensure the region’s continued peace and prosperity.

East Asia Insights | The Crisis of Global Governance and the Rise of East Asia

With the November US presidential election approaching, this special edition incorporates and expands elements raised in previous issues, examining them in the context of the global governance system, and the expectations for US leadership in reforming that system.

East Asia Insights | Revisiting the North Korea Issue

As the challenge of North Korea continues to loom large, the international community faces an environment of uncertainty following events such as Kim Jong-il’s health problems and Pyongyang’s recent move toward restarting activity at a nuclear reprocessing plant.

East Asia Insights | Japan Under the DPJ

This issue discusses the results of the August 30th general election, which brought a surprising LDP defeat, and the implications of this dramatic change for Japan’s domestic politics and foreign policy.

East Asia Insights | Japan’s Policy Agenda for East Asia

This issue discusses the test which Japanese foreign policy faces as the international system comes to be defined by multipolarity and multilateralism, and Japan’s policy proposals through which they hope to ensure long-term peace, stability, and prosperity in East Asia.

East Asia Insights | Japan’s Perspective on the Korean Peninsula

This issue discusses the situation on the Korean peninsula, where North Korea’s suspected nuclear weapons program, its missile program, and criminal misconduct act as a threat to the stability in Japan and Northeast Asia.

East Asia Insights | Rethinking Our Approach to the Korean Crisis

This issue focuses on the urgent problem of North Korea, looking back on the sinking of the Cheonan and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island, and looking forward to the presidential elections in South Korea and the United States and a leadership change in China.

East Asia Insights | Consolidating East Asia Cooperation: A New Role for Northeast Asia

This issue discusses the shifting balance of power in East Asia, which has presented new risks to regional stability; thus, ASEAN must be encouraged to take measures to strengthen its role.

East Asia Insights | After the Launch: Moving Forward with North Korea

This issue focuses on North Korea’s violation of the Leap Day Agreement and numerous UN Security Council resolutions, as well as whether or not China will agree to fully implement sanctions.