US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue | Online Briefing on Gender in the 2024 US Elections

As part of the US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue, JCIE held a briefing for the women Diet members and other leaders who have participated in our past meetings to shed light on what the outcome of the election means for women and for the bilateral alliance in the coming years.

JCIE USA Hosts Meetings with Yasuhisa Shiozaki on Global Health and US-Japan Relations

JCIE USA hosted a series of events with Hon. Yasuhisa Shiozaki, chair of JCIE’s Executive Committee on Global Health & Human Security and Japan’s former Minister of Health, Labour & Welfare, to Washington DC and New York on the occasion of his visit during the 79th UN General Assembly.

NGOs as Strategic Partners

JCIE conducted a series of studies and exchanges to examine the lessons that Japanese NGOs can draw from the US experience to expand their capacity and better engage in partnerships. As part of this project, a delegation of Japanese NGO leaders visited Washington DC for meetings with NGO leaders, government officials, and policy experts, and a major conference was held at the National Diet of Japan to discuss ways to strengthen NGO capacity.

US-Japan Journalism Fellowship

JCIE’s US-Japan Journalism Fellowship brings American journalists to Japan to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese policymaking and the dynamics of US-Japan relations.

The Impact of Changing US Policy on the Emerging East Asia Community

This research project explores shifts in the US role in the region under new political leadership and what impact this will have on East Asia community building and regional cooperation in key areas where East Asia is increasingly striving to work together.

Asia Pacific Security Outlook (APSO)

From 1997 to 2005, JCIE sponsored the Asia Pacific Security Outlook (APSO), an annual research project on regional security issues that produced a publication of the same name. The APSO project monitored changing perceptions of countries in the region in regard to their security environment, national defense issues, and contributions to regional and global security.

US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue

Recognizing that the voices of women continue to be underrepresented in discussions of key policy issues facing both Japanese and American societies, JCIE launched the US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue in 2017 as part of the Empowering Women Leaders Program to convene women leaders from varying walks of life.

Healthy and Active Aging

A look at the critical impact of aging on Japanese and other societies. JCIE is promoting dialogue, exchange, and research to understand the implications of aging societies worldwide and to share best practices to ensure that Japan and others can enjoy healthy longevity.

US-Japan Healthy and Resilient Aging Program

The US-Japan Healthy & Resilient Aging program promotes US-Japan collaboration on aging issues. The program will facilitate robust dialogues at the community and national levels that engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders and spark future collaboration for the benefit of both countries and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

JCIE gathers policy experts and senior officials from various US and Japanese government agencies for a series of high-level dialogues to identify areas where the two countries can deepen cooperation on global health. Meetings have been co-organized with the UN Foundation, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).