FGFJ Arranges Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands Visit to Japan Ahead of the G7 Summit

The Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund), Peter Sands, visited Japan on March 1-2, 2023, and FGFJ helped arrange meetings with global health experts as well as a trip to the internationally renowned Research Institute of Tuberculosis to learn the history of Japan’s fight against tuberculosis and […]

Trilateral Commission | 2023 Plenary Meeting

The Trilateral Commission held its 2023 meeting in India, New Delhi —the first meeting to take place in India—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international community.

US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange | 2023 US Delegation to Japan

Celebrating 50 years of partnership between JCIE and the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), a delegation of 5 US Young Political Leaders traveled to Japan to meet with a variety of policymakers, business leaders, and local-level politicians in Tokyo and Nagano prefecture.

ROUNDTABLE | Discussion with US Congressional Staff on Priorities of the 118th Congress

JCIE/USA hosted a luncheon discussion with alumni of our US-Japan Congressional Staff Exchange Program, to share their thoughts on what to expect from the 118th Congress following the 2022 midterm elections. The session was joined by Japanese business representatives, academics, and those from DC-based think-tanks.

Roundtable Discussion with Hiroshima G7 Global Health Taskforce Director in Washington DC

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. JCIE has established a Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda for global health. This roundtable was an opportunity for leading US policymakers and experts to hear from and offer feedback to the director of the Task Force, Dr. Hideaki Shiroyama.

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Asia Pacific Group Regional Meeting

The Asia Pacific Group of the Trilateral Commission held its annual regional meeting in Tokyo, gathering leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international community.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2022 Delegation

Group photo with Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi

The 2022 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program will give 8 Congressional Staff to Japan, where they will meet with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

US-Japan Healthy and Resilient Aging Program

The US-Japan Healthy & Resilient Aging program promotes US-Japan collaboration on aging issues. The program will facilitate robust dialogues at the community and national levels that engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders and spark future collaboration for the benefit of both countries and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

4th US-Japan Global Health Dialogue | Advancing Global Health Security and Future Pandemic Preparedness

The 4th US-Japan Global Health Dialogue brought together over 50 American and Japanese senior government officials, legislators, health experts, and leaders from international organizations to discuss ways that US-Japan collaboration can be leveraged to advance health security and pandemic preparedness globally. Participants discussed key issues in global health architecture, pandemic instruments and IHR, R&D including the 100 Days Mission, synergies between UHC and health security.

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Plenary Meeting

The Trilateral Commission held its 2022 meeting in Washington DC—the first in-person plenary since the pandemic began—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international community.