JCIE Publication | Empowering Our Future—A Path Toward Women’s Leadership in Politics, STEM, and Beyond

2023 USJWLD report cover thumbnail

Report on the findings from the 2023 US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue, which featured a visit to the US by six Japanese political and business leaders to discuss US-Japan and international relations, women in politics, and ways to empower women to pursue and succeed in STEM fields.

AHWIN Papers No. 4: Disaster Preparedness for Aging Populations—Lessons from Japan

The fourth publication in the “AHWIN Papers” series examines Japan’s actions to improve disaster preparedness to better safeguard the country’s aging population.

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue Recommendations to the G7 2024

The culmination of an independent, nonstate actor-led Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue, this report reviews the progress of the G7’s past commitments to global health issues including antimicrobial resistance and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response;
identifies remaining challenges to be addressed by the G7; and seeks to promote coordination and consensus on global health priorities among nonstate stakeholders while transitioning between the 2023 Japanese G7 and the 2024 Italian G7 presidencies.

The Road to UHC: The GFF’s Catalytic Role in Supporting PHC Toward the Achievement of UHC

GFF UHC PHC report

This report provides a overview of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)’s role in supporting primary health care (PHC) toward the goal of achieving universal health coverage (UHC), as well as examples from three country cases: Cote d’Ivoire, Viet Nam, and Tajikistan.

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Recommendations for the G7 Meetings in Japan

JCIE and Hiroshima G7 Task Force Members meet with Seiji Kihara and Keizo Takemi for the launch of the Task Force's Recommendations to the G7

This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for a COVID-19 emergency response.

JCIE Publication | Strengthening the Clinical Trial Site Network in Asia to Accelerate Harmonization of Development Systems and Regulations

This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for developing and expanding the network of Asian hubs as a way to accelerate harmonization of development systems.

Hiroshima G7 Task Force: Recommendations for Promoting Global Solidarity Towards a More Resilient Health System

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Recommendations for Promoting Global Solidarity Towards a More Resilient Health System

JCIE co-hosted a special webinar with Pandemic Action Network (PAN), and the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Future Initiatives to discuss JCIE’s Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force recommendations for Japan’s G7 global health agenda.

JCIE Publication | Moving the Needle on Gender Equity through US-Japan Collaboration

A report on the 2022 US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue, held virtually, features recommendations based on the discussions among 40 women from politics, business, media, think tanks, and civil society.

Japan’s Democracy: Lessons and Reflections | Concluding Paper

This report serves as the concluding paper for a project on “Japan’s Democracy: Lessons and Reflections” and was written by the project lead, Dr. Harukata Takenaka, to summarize the key points that emerged out of the prior three discussions.

AHWIN Papers No. 3: The Path to Community-Based Integrated Care

The third publication in the “AHWIN Papers” series covers Japan’s transition to community-based integrated care to address the challenges of its older population.