US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2024 Delegation

The 2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional staffers the chance to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

JCIE Publication | Empowering Our Future—A Path Toward Women’s Leadership in Politics, STEM, and Beyond

2023 USJWLD report cover thumbnail

Report on the findings from the 2023 US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue, which featured a visit to the US by six Japanese political and business leaders to discuss US-Japan and international relations, women in politics, and ways to empower women to pursue and succeed in STEM fields.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 40th Conference

The 40th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group met in Tokyo and Odawara to discuss critical issues facing bilateral relations and global geopolitics, including security, trade, climate change and energy, AI, and global health.

Japanese-German Forum | 31st Forum

At the 31st Japanese-German Forum, held in Berlin, Germany, Japanese and German politicians, policy experts, business leaders, and journalists discussed key bilateral topics—from global warming, accepting immigrants, addressing low birth rates and aging societies, and security expenditures, to the implications of the ongoing Ukrainian Crisis, and bilateral cooperation to strengthen economic security.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2023 Delegation

The 2023 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional Staff the opportunity to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

Trilateral Commission | 2023 Plenary Meeting

The Trilateral Commission held its 2023 meeting in India, New Delhi —the first meeting to take place in India—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international community.

US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange | 2023 US Delegation to Japan

Celebrating 50 years of partnership between JCIE and the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), a delegation of 5 US Young Political Leaders traveled to Japan to meet with a variety of policymakers, business leaders, and local-level politicians in Tokyo and Nagano prefecture.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 39th Conference

The 39th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group met in London from January 13 to January 15, a welcome change from the online program necessitated last year by the COVID-19 pandemic.

ROUNDTABLE | Discussion with US Congressional Staff on Priorities of the 118th Congress

JCIE/USA hosted a luncheon discussion with alumni of our US-Japan Congressional Staff Exchange Program, to share their thoughts on what to expect from the 118th Congress following the 2022 midterm elections. The session was joined by Japanese business representatives, academics, and those from DC-based think-tanks.

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Asia Pacific Group Regional Meeting

The Asia Pacific Group of the Trilateral Commission held its annual regional meeting in Tokyo, gathering leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international community.