Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 2 | The Economic Impact of COVID-19 Countermeasures

This article summarizes the relationship between infectious disease countermeasures and the economy, and then discusses the current challenges that are being addressed scientifically.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 1 | International Politics and Japan During the COVID Pandemic and Beyond—Redefining Solidarity

Volume 1 of a series on “Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era” explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the rules-based international order and how it will change the global health regime.

Diverse Roots, Inclusive Society Program

JCIE has launched the Diverse Roots, Inclusive Society initiative to build the social infrastructure needed to build a more inclusive Japanese society that can fully support youths with foreign roots. JCIE will act as a funding organization to provide grants that support the types of educational support, employment support, etc., that youths with foreign roots require.

US-Japan Philanthropy Initiative

Through the US-Japan Philanthropy Initiative, JCIE/USA helps facilitate charitable giving from donors in one country to innovative organizations in the other that are working to improve society and/or strengthen international relations.

Diet Women’s Study Group

In 2019, as part of its program on Empowering Women Leaders, JCIE launched a nonpartisan Diet study group to deepen women legislators’ understanding of critical policy challenges. In the initial year, 13 Diet members, chaired by Representative Seiko Noda, are meeting seven times through March 2020, once every month or two, for discussions with leading experts from Japan and abroad.

Political Exchange Programs

For five decades, JCIE has been promoting closer relations between Japanese leaders and their foreign counterparts. JCIE involves political leaders in a wide range of research and dialogues—from comparative research on the policymaking process, to task forces on global health, and to participation in exchanges that further bilateral relations between Japan and Korea, Germany, China, and the United Kingdom.

Building Understanding of and Support for the GFF

In 2015, the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents (GFF) was established to help close the gap in financing that is needed to eliminate preventable deaths among women, children, and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries. The GFF supports government-led, multi-stakeholder platforms to develop and implement a national, prioritized health plan that aims to help mobilize sustainable financing for health and nutrition.

Global Health Diet Roundtable

JCIE launched the “Global Health Diet Roundtable” series in 2018 as part of its Global Health and Human Security program. The aim of this program is to assist a bipartisan group of young and emerging Diet members to deepen their understanding of global health issues by offering regular briefings from experts on each topic in the hope that they will play a future leadership role in the global health field.

US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue

Recognizing that the voices of women continue to be underrepresented in discussions of key policy issues facing both Japanese and American societies, JCIE launched the US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue in 2017 as part of the Empowering Women Leaders Program to convene women leaders from varying walks of life.

Healthy and Active Aging

A look at the critical impact of aging on Japanese and other societies. JCIE is promoting dialogue, exchange, and research to understand the implications of aging societies worldwide and to share best practices to ensure that Japan and others can enjoy healthy longevity.