Friends of the Global Fund, Japan

The Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ), is a special initiative founded and operated by JCIE to strengthen support in Japan for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a major international funding mechanism for fighting communicable diseases.

Korea-Japan Forum

The Korea-Japan Forum was initiated in 1993, when South Korean President Kim Young-sam and Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa called for the formation of a new, forward-looking relationship between the two countries. Since then, the forum has taken place annually and is held alternately in Korea and Japan, bringing together about 50 policy experts, government officials, legislators, journalists, business executives, and civil society leaders from the two countries.

Japanese-German Forum

The Japanese-German Forum was created in 1993 as a private, bilateral dialogue designed to promote mutual cooperation and understanding.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group

The UK-Japan 21st Century Group was launched in 1985 at the joint recommendation of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. It is a coalition of private sector, public sector, and civil society leaders from both countries that aims to promote dialogue and cooperation between the two countries.

US Congressional Staff Exchange

JCIE established the US Congressional Staff Exchange Program in 1982 in recognition of the vital role Congressional staff play in policymaking. The one-week program provides senior Congressional staffers with the opportunity to meet Japanese legislators and policymakers and give them a sense of the Japanese policymaking process as well as political, economic, and societal trends.

Facilitating Philanthropy Program

The US-Japan Philanthropy Initiative handles charitable donations from US-based individuals and corporations in the manner of a donor-advised fund, accepting recommendations about organizations the donor prefers to support, then conducting due diligence to decide whether to make a grant to the suggested organization or others that advance the aims of the donation.

US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange

In 1973, JCIE and the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) jointly launched the US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange Program, an annual bilateral exchange program designed to expose young leaders of each country to the politics and policymaking processes of the other country and to enhance their understanding of US-Japan relations.

Trilateral Commission

Founded in 1973, the Trilateral Commission is a nongovernmental forum of leading private citizens from Europe, North America, and Japan (now including all of Asia Pacific) that aims to promote mutual understanding and closer cooperation on common problems facing these three major democratic, industrialized regions of the world.

US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange

The US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program brings members of the US Congress and Japanese Diet to one another’s countries for a series of intensive dialogues with leaders from a broad range of fields. Participants in the US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program have risen to influential positions in their respective countries with an enhanced understanding of the US-Japan relationship.