Trilateral Commission

Founded in 1973, the Trilateral Commission is a nongovernmental forum of leading private citizens from Europe, North America, and Japan (now including all of Asia Pacific) that aims to promote mutual understanding and closer cooperation on common problems facing these three major democratic, industrialized regions of the world.

Tadashi Yamamoto’s Legacy: Ten Years Later

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the passing of Tadashi Yamamoto, JCIE/USA Senior Fellow James Gannon reflects on the continued relevance of the mission and vision of JCIE’s founder.

Friends of the Global Fund, Japan

The Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ), is a special initiative founded and operated by JCIE to strengthen support in Japan for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a major international funding mechanism for fighting communicable diseases.

Opening for Paid Internship at JCIE USA

JCIE/USA, based in New York, is seeking a full-time program officer to work closely with the executive director and other staff on general organizational operations and a range of program activities.

JCIE Publications | Asia and Europe: Cooperating for Energy Security

This book examines the strategic implications of the energy security choices of Asia and Europe, compares existing and potential schemes for regional cooperation, and defines areas for interregional cooperation.

JCIE Publications | Asia and Europe: Global Governance as a Challenge to Co-operation

This book attempts to redefine the roles of Asia and Europe in a changing world, and to analyze the ways in which cooperation could enhance global governance.

JCIE Publications | Asia and Europe: The Necessity for Cooperation

This book summarizes the work of Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation (CAEC) task forces and reviews the role of Asia-Europe cooperation in the contemporary world.

JCIE Publication | A Gender Agenda: Asia-Europe Dialogue 3

This third volume examines the economic empowerment of women through entrepreneurship development at the grassroots level; the authors demonstrate this through an analysis of six case studies.

JCIE Publications | Preparing for Future Disasters: Strategic Assistance and the US-Japan Alliance

This JCIE/NBR report examines the challenges posed by major disasters in the Asia-Pacific and argues that the United States and Japan need to elevate humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to be a key component of their combined regional security strategy.

JCIE Global Health Special Series | Lessons from Japan on Universal Health Coverage

In this blog article, JCIE’s Susan Hubbard discusses the ways in which Japan rapidly became one of the world’s most advanced nations in the sphere of healthcare and what other countries can take from Japan’s example.