Facilitating Philanthropy Program

The US-Japan Philanthropy Initiative handles charitable donations from US-based individuals and corporations in the manner of a donor-advised fund, accepting recommendations about organizations the donor prefers to support, then conducting due diligence to decide whether to make a grant to the suggested organization or others that advance the aims of the donation.

The Rise of China and the Changing East Asian Order

Under the joint leadership of three senior intellectual leaders in the region, a major research project was organized in 2002 to study the opportunities and challenges that the rise of China as a regional power presents for the task of regional community-building. The participants came together at the 8th APAP Forum in Kunming, China, on March 21–23, 2003, to present the main themes of their research.

Positive Lives Asia—Photo Exhibitions

As one of its community projects to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and education, the Levi Strauss Foundation has been supporting the production of “Positive Lives Asia,” a series of photo-documentary essays featuring the stories of people affected by HIV and AIDS and positive responses to the epidemic. JCIE collaborated in the administration of the exhibit.

Global ThinkNet Fellows

The Global ThinkNet Fellows program was launched by JCIE in 1996 in response to the need for more participation by Japanese scholars and researchers in international collaborative policy research and dialogue. The study group projects focused on such topics as the impact of coalition government on the political process in Japan, nonstate actors in international relations, and challenges facing the U.S.-Japan alliance in the 21st century.

Growing Asia-Pacific Regionalism and New Opportunities to Advance Non-traditional Security Cooperation

The overall objective of this research project was to examine intraregional cooperation and the supraregional contributions of that cooperation. The research team was comprised of younger and mid-level researchers with expertise in each of the research areas.

The Impact of Changing US Policy on the Emerging East Asia Community

This research project explores shifts in the US role in the region under new political leadership and what impact this will have on East Asia community building and regional cooperation in key areas where East Asia is increasingly striving to work together.

Asia Pacific Security Outlook (APSO)

From 1997 to 2005, JCIE sponsored the Asia Pacific Security Outlook (APSO), an annual research project on regional security issues that produced a publication of the same name. The APSO project monitored changing perceptions of countries in the region in regard to their security environment, national defense issues, and contributions to regional and global security.

Vision of Asia Pacific in the 21st Century

This multinational research project brought together a team of young scholars to examine the significant mid-term and long-term challenges facing the Asia Pacific region. The project began with a general assessment of the broad cultural changes affecting the region, and moved on to an examination of specific issues most important to building a peaceful, prosperous, and just region for the 21st century.

Friends of the Global Fund, Japan

The Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ), is a special initiative founded and operated by JCIE to strengthen support in Japan for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a major international funding mechanism for fighting communicable diseases.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group

The UK-Japan 21st Century Group was launched in 1985 at the joint recommendation of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. It is a coalition of private sector, public sector, and civil society leaders from both countries that aims to promote dialogue and cooperation between the two countries.