US Congressional Staff Exchange | 1999 Delegation

The 1999 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 15th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, providing an opportunity for them to meet and engage in discussions with Diet members, politicians, and policymakers.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 1998 Delegation

The 1998 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 14th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with Diet members, business executives, and leaders of Japan’s major political parties.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 1997 Delegation

The 1997 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 13th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with business executives, foreign policy experts, and leaders of Japan’s major political parties.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 1996 Delegation

The 1996 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 12th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with the US Ambassador, business executives, and Diet members.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 1982–1995 US Congressional Staff Exchanges

The US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brings a delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, providing an opportunity for them to meet and engage in discussions with business leaders, government officials, and leaders of Japan’s major political parties.

US Congressional Staff Exchange

JCIE established the US Congressional Staff Exchange Program in 1982 in recognition of the vital role Congressional staff play in policymaking. The one-week program provides senior Congressional staffers with the opportunity to meet Japanese legislators and policymakers and give them a sense of the Japanese policymaking process as well as political, economic, and societal trends.