Global Health Governance Study Group

Working in collaboration with the Tokyo University Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), JCIE conducted a one-year research project on global health governance, focusing on the theme of “The International Order and Japan’s Role in the COVID and Post-COVID Era.” The objective of the study group was to provide analyses on global and regional health governance systems and structures and to offer concrete recommendations about the role Japan should play in the field of global health.

SYMPOSIUM | Restructuring Post-COVID Global Health Governance through Global Solidarity: The Role of G7 & G20

Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) and the Tokyo University Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI) are conducting a research project on “The International Order and Japan’s Role in the COVID and Post-COVID Era” sponsored by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan. The research group aims to produce policy recommendations to MOFA at the end of March on Japan’s future strategy on global health as Japan prepares to host the G7 meeting in 2023.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 14 | Essential Medical Products during a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

This article considers such questions as why the global disparity in access has occurred, whether international efforts to close those gaps have been successful, and what is needed for a fundamental solution to the problem.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 15 | Financing Mechanisms for Health Security — Challenges and Lessons for the Future

This policy brief discusses contributions to the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies since it was established in 2015.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 12 | Can the ACT Accelerator Achieve Truly Fair and Equitable Access to COVID-19 Tools?

This paper discusses ACT-A as a potential tool to ensure fair and equitable access to healthcare, through inclusive, democratic, and transparent decision making.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 13 | The Significance and Challenges of Public-Private Partnership in Global Health Cooperation

This article examines the significance and challenges of public-private partnership in global health and explores multistakeholder relationships for effective global health cooperation in the post-COVID era.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 10 | Synergies between Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Health Security

This brief outlines the PPR and health systems that many countries considered to be the gold standard that they should be aiming for, and how they turned out to be completely powerless in the face of this unprecedented pandemic.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 9 | Global Health Administration and Maritime Transport

This policy brief examines the significance and limitations of the WHO system in the regulation of maritime transportation and indicates challenges for the future.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 8 | Global Health Administration and Maritime Transport: Port State Authority and the Issue of Crew Change for Vessels in Port

This paper discusses how to create a better international system for maritime traffic based on the experiences gained in responding to COVID-19, given such events as the outbreak of COVID-19 infections on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan.

Japan’s Global Health Strategy in the Post–COVID-19 Era Vol. 6 | A Review of Challenges and Options for International Sharing of Pathogens and Related Information in Pandemic Response

This policy brief addresses the issues and options of international frameworks on sharing of pathogens and GSD based on the review of existing literature and other sources.