Korea-Japan Forum | 31st Meeting

The 31st Korea-Japan Forum, held in Seoul, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and security issues facing the two countries, and the latest geopolitical developments in East Asia. The event also featured a Junior Forum for youths from the two countries. The 8th Japan-Korea Forum Award was also held to celebrate those to made significant contributions to Japan-Korea friendship and development.

Korea-Japan Forum | 30th Meeting

The 30th Korea-Japan Forum, held in Tokyo, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and security issues facing the two countries, and the latest geopolitical developments in East Asia. The event also featured a Junior Forum for youths from the two countries.

Korea-Japan Forum | 29th Meeting

The 29th Korea-Japan Forum, held online, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and technology cooperation, and the latest geopolitical developments in the Indo-Pacific. The event also featured a Junior Forum and the Korea-Japan Forum Award Ceremony.

Korea-Japan Forum | 28th Meeting

The 28th Korea-Japan Forum, which was held via videoconference between two venues in Tokyo and Seoul due to COVID-19 travel concerns, brought together more than 40 participants to discuss domestic political shifts and the impact of the US presidential election on the region, among other topics.

Korea-Japan Forum | 27th Meeting

The 27th Korea-Japan Forum met in Tokyo, bringing together more than 50 participants from both countries. Discussion topics included the role of both countries in moving toward North Korean denuclearization, shifts in domestic politics and their influence on bilateral relations, and economic relations between Korea and Japan.

Korea-Japan Forum | 26th Meeting

The 26th Korea-Japan Forum met in Tokyo, bringing together more than 50 participants from both countries. The meeting was focused on the 20th anniversary of the 1998 Japan–South Korea joint declaration on “A New Japan-Korea Partnership towards the 21st Century” and how that vision might be revised to ensure stronger and more productive relations in the future.

Korea-Japan Forum | 25th Meeting

The 25th meeting of the Korea-Japan Forum brought together more than 50 participants from both countries, including influential politicians, businesspeople, and representatives of private exchange organizations. Discussions were held on the themes of “The Security Situation in Northeast Asia and Japan—South Korea Cooperation,” “Trends in Domestic Affairs and Foreign Policy,” and “The International Economy and Bilateral Economic Cooperation.”

Korea-Japan Forum | 24th Meeting

The 24th Korea-Japan Forum was held in Tokyo on August 24–26, 2016, convening 50 participants from both countries. Discussions were held on “Japan-Korea grassroots/citizen exchange,” “Japanese and Korean foreign policy and security policy,” “Japan-Korea economic cooperation in the context of current international conditions,” and “what strategic interests do Japan and Korea share?”

Korea-Japan Forum | 23rd Meeting

The 23rd Korea-Japan Forum was held in Seoul on December 27–29, 2015, convening 50 participants from both countries. As this year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of Korea-Japan relations as well as the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, discussion about how to deepen Korea-Japan relations over the next half-century featured prominently in each session.

Korea-Japan Forum | 22nd Meeting

The 22nd Korea-Japan Forum, co-organized by JCIE and the Korea Foundation, concluded on Saturday, August 9th, with the issuance of a joint statement that calls for the creation of a “new win-win relationship” that would promote peace and prosperity in the two countries and the region.