Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange Program

Japan and South Korea are facing rapid increases in immigration, leading to the development of more multicultural and multiethnic societies. In November 2017, JCIE began a two-year program aiming to facilitate the exchange of opinions on societal and governmental policy proposals to empower immigrants living in both countries.

Listening to the Views of Migrants—Japanese and Korean Societies Living with Migrants

A diverse group of experts on immigration and representatives from the immigrant communities of both Japan and Korea gathered for this symposium to share the lessons of the Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange Program, which JCIE has been running since November 2017 with the generous support of the Toyota Foundation.

Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange | 2nd Korea Site Visit

A one-week exchange program for a delegation from Japan consisting of immigrants and others with a special focus on national and local government efforts to support immigrant communities in South Korea.

Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange | 2nd Japan Site Visit

A one-week exchange program for a delegation from South Korea consisting of immigrants and others with a special focus on education for immigrants and attendance at the national forum for Solidarity Network With Migrants Japan

Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange | 1st Korea Site Visit

A one-week exchange program for a delegation from Japan consisting of immigrants and others to learn about South Korean immigration policy and community services for immigrants.

Japan–South Korea Immigration Policy Exchange | 1st Japan Site Visit

A one-week exchange program for a delegation from South Korea consisting of immigrants and others to learn about Japanese immigrant workers and community services for immigrants and immigrant youth.