US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange | 2016 US Delegation to Japan

The 2016 US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange Program brought US state and local officials to Japan, providing an opportunity for them to meet and engage in discussions with Diet members, prefectural and local-level officials, and NGO leaders.

US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange | 2016 Japanese Delegation to the US

The 2016 US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange Program brought Japanese local legislators and Diet staffers to Washington DC, Michigan, and Colorado to meet with government officials, policy experts, corporate leaders, and local-level officials.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2016 Delegation

The 2016 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 25th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Tokyo and Nagoya, where they met and engaged in discussions with a wide range of Japanese leaders, government representatives, and policy experts.

Global Health and Human Security | Press Tour to Ethiopia

On June 26 to July 3, 2016, JCIE organized a press tour that brought a delegation of journalists from Japan to several locations in Ethiopia to examine the country’s development through the lens of the country’s healthcare system as part of JCIE’s Global Health and Human Security Program.

Global Health Diet Delegation to Guinea

In the wake of the recent Ebola crisis that struck West Africa, JCIE took a delegation of Diet members and health experts to one of the most affected countries, Guinea, to learn about the status of and future plans for the country’s health crisis management.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2015 Delegation

The 2015 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program brought the 24th delegation of US Congressional Staff to Japan, where they met and engaged in discussions with policy experts, government officials, and Japanese politicians.

US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange | 2015 Japanese Diet Delegation to the US

The 2015 US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program brought the 28th delegation of Japanese diet members and parliamentarians to the US, where they met and engaged in discussions with members of Congress and their staff, journalists, and policy experts.

US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange | 2015 Japanese Delegation to the US

The 26th Japanese young political leaders delegation to the US visited DC, North Carolina, and Seattle to meet with US national and local policymakers, experts, Japanese embassy officials, business leaders, and others.

Global Health and Human Security | Press Tour to Kenya

On June 6 to 14, 2015, JCIE organized a press tour that brought a delegation of journalists from Japan to several locations in Kenya to examine the country’s development through the lens of the country’s healthcare system as part of JCIE’s Global Health and Human Security Program.

US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange | 2014 US Delegation to Japan

Six local-level legislators and political leaders from the United States visited Tokyo, Ibaraki, Okayama, and Kyoto for meetings with policy experts, policymakers, business and NGO leaders, and others.