Human Security in the United Nations | Tokyo Workshop

In 2003, JCIE was commissioned by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct an assessment of several projects funded by the Trust Fund on Human Security (TFHS), focusing on how human security has been incorporated and applied in TFHS-funded projects from the conception phase through the implementation processes. As part of the project, JCIE held a workshop in Tokyo to discuss the preliminary findings and their implications.

Health Workforce Investment as a Driver of UHC and Economic Development

On the sidelines of TICAD7, JCIE partnered with IntraHealth International to organize this side event. Over 120 participants took part in a discussion on the wide-ranging benefits of health workforce investments not only for furthering health goals but also goals in interrelated fields such as education, gender equity, and inclusive economic growth.

Satellite Seminar of the The Third TICAD Ministerial Follow–up Meeting: Health and Human Security in Africa

On May 2–3, 2011, JCIE organized a symposium and roundtable on “Health and Human Security in Africa” in Dakar, Senegal. The events were organized in conjunction with the Third Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Follow-Up Meeting.

Global Governance and Human Security Seminar

On September 29, JCIE organized a lecture on “Global Governance and Human Security” with Ambassador Yukio Takasu, who most recently served as permanent representative of Japan to the UN (2007–2010). About 80 participants from domestic and international NGOs, academia, the media, and the public sector attended the lecture.

Second Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow

The Second Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow was held on July 12–13, 1999, in Singapore on the theme of “Promoting Sustainable Development and Human Security.” Participants assessed key issues in the emerging debate on sustainable development and human security in Asia and the role that global and regional institutions, as well as civil society in general, can play in promoting sustainable development and human security.

Third Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow

The Third Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow was held in Bangkok on June 18-19, 2000, focusing on “Cross-Sectoral Partnerships in Enhancing Human Security.” The dialogue injected further momentum into the vital process of addressing human security concerns arising from the Asian financial crisis and of rethinking the development strategies of Asian countries.

First Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow

The First Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow was held on December 2–3, 1998, at the Hotel Okura in Tokyo, on the theme of “The Asian Crisis: Meeting the Challenges to Human Security”. The purpose of the conference was to strengthen the network among intellectual communities in this region through discussing the challenges of the Asian crisis threatening human security and how to meet them.

Fifth Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow | Bangkok Workshop

The Fifth Intellectual Dialogue, held in Bangkok on December 11-12, 2002, was designed to explore key indicators of human security and feasible methods of evaluation for human security projects. It was attended by Human Security Commission members, including Mrs. Sadako Ogata, among others.

JCIE Publications | Human Security Challenges of AIDS and Communicable Disease in Asia—Exploring Effective Regional and Global Response

This report presents key themes that emerged from the conference in Tokyo, and documents the intensive discussions between the panelists and participants.

Fifth Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow | Tokyo Workshop

The Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow culminated with a two-day workshop in Tokyo on February 25-26, 2003, which sought to stimulate regionwide intellectual exchange on balanced sustainable growth with the ultimate goal of generating practical policy recommendations.