US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2024 Delegation

The 2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional staffers the chance to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

Sustained and Strategic Investments Needed for US-Japan Collaboration

This piece by JCIE executive director Kazuyo Kato and board member Susan Berresford highlights the need to continue investing in promoting intellectual exchange between Japan and the US to foster a new generation of leaders who can maintain the strength of the US-Japan alliance.

2024 Japanese Young Political Leaders Delegation to US

The 2024 US-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange Program brought the 30th Japanese delegation to the US, providing an opportunity for them to meet and engage in discussions with government officials, political campaign committees, policy experts, and business representatives.

JCIE Publication | Empowering Our Future—A Path Toward Women’s Leadership in Politics, STEM, and Beyond

2023 USJWLD report cover thumbnail

Report on the findings from the 2023 US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue, which featured a visit to the US by six Japanese political and business leaders to discuss US-Japan and international relations, women in politics, and ways to empower women to pursue and succeed in STEM fields.

Expanding Support for Democratic Governance

In 2018, JCIE launched a multi-pronged initiative to explore and expand Japan’s support for democratic governance based on the values of liberty, accountability, the rule of law, and individual dignity and empowerment. The initiative is designed to engage Japanese leaders in dialogue with domestic and overseas experts on strengthening the building blocks of democratic governance in Asia and elsewhere.

Final Conference of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue

global health multistakeholder dialogue

JCIE co-hosted the hybrid final conference of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia (GHMD) in Tokyo, Japan. About 120 experts, half of whom joined from overseas, gathered to consider priority challenges to be addressed by the Italian G7 in 2024 and recommend possible solutions to make our society more resilient to future pandemics.

Building Climate-Resilient & Sustainable Health Systems through US-Japan Leadership

JCIE/USA is organizing a panel discussion at the US-Japan Council’s 2023 Annual Conference to explore how the US and Japan are addressing the relationship between climate change and human health.

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

The 2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue brought together US and Japanese senior government officials, legislators, health experts, and other leaders to discuss how US-Japan collaboration can be leveraged to create more resilient, equitable, and sustainable universal health coverage (UHC) through stronger health systems, and to ensure timely and equitable access to medical countermeasures in times of crises.

2023 Japanese Women Leaders Delegation to the US

JCIE brought a delegation of six Japanese women leaders from political and business sectors to Washington DC to participate in a weeklong series of activities to explore issues related to US-Japan relations and women’s empowerment.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2023 Delegation

The 2023 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional Staff the opportunity to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.