Australia-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange

The Australia-Japan Young Political Leaders Exchange Program was launched in 1991 under the auspices of JCIE and the Australian Political Exchange Council (APEC) to foster greater understanding, dialogue, and network formation between the next generation of leaders in both countries and to promote a sound, cooperative relationship between Japan and Australia.

Asia Pacific Agenda Project (APAP)

The Asia Pacific Agenda Project (APAP) is a multinational consortium of policy research organizations and academic institutions designed to strengthen networks and enhance joint research and dialogue among institutions and intellectual leaders in the Asia Pacific. It also aims to train young scholars as the future leaders of international policy-related research.

Shimoda Conference Series

The First Shimoda Conference (then also known as the Japanese-American Assembly) took place in 1967 as a forum for high-level but unofficial discussions of critical issues in US-Japan relations, the first of its kind in the postwar US-Japan relationship. The dialogues were held occasionally through 2011.

Cooperation with the Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium

The Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium (APPC) was formally launched in 1994 as an informal network of like-minded institutions that support the growth and development of Asian grantmaking philanthropies. The consortium aims to improve framework, raise awareness, facilitate resource mobilization, and contribute to the development of resources for the nonprofit sector.

Asia Pacific Agenda Project (APAP) Forums

The Asia Pacific Agenda Project (APAP) was launched as a celebration of JCIE’s 25th anniversary with three major goals in mind: to allow key personnel of independent policy-oriented research institutions to compare views, to assist in the institutional development of such research bodies, and to aid the development of a strong network among independent institutions.

Dialogue and Research Monitor

This multi-volume publication monitored policy-relevant dialogue and research throughout East Asia for more than a decade with the goal of understanding the ongoing efforts by policy research institutions, policy thinkers, and public intellectuals to strengthen the emerging regional community.

Russia-Japan Policy Dialogue

Starting in 1997, JCIE organized the Russia-Japan Policy Dialogue, a seminar bringing together opinion leaders and nongovernmental leaders from both countries to discuss possible areas of cooperation. The meeting discussions focused on economic and political issues facing the two countries, as well as global issues of shared concern.

Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation (CAEC)

The main purpose of the CAEC was to encourage and facilitate greater cooperation among Asian and European intellectuals and policy specialists in order to enhance discussions about the future direction of Asia-Europe relations. CAEC is managed by a steering committee comprising 12 research institutions in Asia and Europe.

Levi Strauss Foundation Donor Advised Fund of JCIE

From 1997–2004, JCIE joined forces with Levi Strauss & Co. to undertake a new form of corporate-NGO partnership, the Donor Advised Fund. Under this arrangement, the Levi Strauss Foundation provided a grant to JCIE, which served as an intermediary organization, redistributing the funds to NGOs in Japan.

Israel-Japan Intellectual Exchange Program

From 1993 to 2004, JCIE carried out a bilateral intellectual exchange program with Israel to examine pressing concerns of mutual concern to the two countries.