Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security

The Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security is a unique public-private platform that facilitates the Japanese government’s policymaking on global health and public-private collaboration in that field.
US Congressional Staff Exchange

JCIE established the US Congressional Staff Exchange Program in 1982 in recognition of the vital role Congressional staff play in policymaking. The one-week program provides senior Congressional staffers with the opportunity to meet Japanese legislators and policymakers and give them a sense of the Japanese policymaking process as well as political, economic, and societal trends.
Trilateral Commission

Founded in 1973, the Trilateral Commission is a nongovernmental forum of leading private citizens from Europe, North America, and Japan (now including all of Asia Pacific) that aims to promote mutual understanding and closer cooperation on common problems facing these three major democratic, industrialized regions of the world.
Friends of the Global Fund, Japan

The Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ), is a special initiative founded and operated by JCIE to strengthen support in Japan for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a major international funding mechanism for fighting communicable diseases.
JCIE Publications | Preparing for Future Disasters: Strategic Assistance and the US-Japan Alliance

This JCIE/NBR report examines the challenges posed by major disasters in the Asia-Pacific and argues that the United States and Japan need to elevate humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to be a key component of their combined regional security strategy.
JCIE Global Health Special Series | Lessons from Japan on Universal Health Coverage

In this blog article, JCIE’s Susan Hubbard discusses the ways in which Japan rapidly became one of the world’s most advanced nations in the sphere of healthcare and what other countries can take from Japan’s example.
JCIE Publication | A Growing Force: Civil Society’s Role in Asian Regional Security

The authors explore the role of civil society organizations in responding to security threats in the five areas of piracy, disaster relief, human trafficking, health, and climate change, in order to analyze their effectiveness and what can be done to make them more successful.
JCIE Publication | A Pacific Nation: Perspectives on the US Role in an East Asia Community

In this volume, experts from Asia and the United States explore the latest changes in US involvement in regional affairs and analyze the region’s divergent perspectives on the role that the US should play in a new East Asia community.
JCIE Publications | Asia on the Move: Regional Migration and the Role of Civil Society

Experts analyze migration trends in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia; government efforts to manage this movement; and the role of NGOs in helping to protect migrants and to harness migration to benefit the region.
JCIE Publications | Doing Well by Doing Good: Innovative Corporate Responses to Communicable Diseases

This book presents case studies of innovative approaches by 12 corporations to deal with the spread of AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; the authors focus on the motivations behind corporate engagement and the evolution of these programs