Bilateral Policy Dialogues

In the 1980s and 1990s, JCIE/Japan launched a number of annual policy dialogues that brought together leaders from various sectors to discuss the key domestic, bilateral, and international issues of the day.

Regulatory Harmonization Task Force

In 2018, JCIE’s Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security created a Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia. The group, comprised of 15 experts from industry, academia, and government, seeks to formulate recommendations on how Japan could improve access to pharmaceuticals and medical devices in Asia.

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue Recommendations to the G7 2024

The culmination of an independent, nonstate actor-led Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue, this report reviews the progress of the G7’s past commitments to global health issues including antimicrobial resistance and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response;
identifies remaining challenges to be addressed by the G7; and seeks to promote coordination and consensus on global health priorities among nonstate stakeholders while transitioning between the 2023 Japanese G7 and the 2024 Italian G7 presidencies.

Final Conference of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue

global health multistakeholder dialogue

JCIE co-hosted the hybrid final conference of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia (GHMD) in Tokyo, Japan. About 120 experts, half of whom joined from overseas, gathered to consider priority challenges to be addressed by the Italian G7 in 2024 and recommend possible solutions to make our society more resilient to future pandemics.

The Road to UHC: The GFF’s Catalytic Role in Supporting PHC Toward the Achievement of UHC

GFF UHC PHC report

This report provides a overview of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)’s role in supporting primary health care (PHC) toward the goal of achieving universal health coverage (UHC), as well as examples from three country cases: Cote d’Ivoire, Viet Nam, and Tajikistan.

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia

JCIE has organized the “Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia” n order to deepen discussions on the Hiroshima G7 commitments, offer advice on key topics to be addressed, and build momentum toward the implementation of those commitments,

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

The 2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue brought together US and Japanese senior government officials, legislators, health experts, and other leaders to discuss how US-Japan collaboration can be leveraged to create more resilient, equitable, and sustainable universal health coverage (UHC) through stronger health systems, and to ensure timely and equitable access to medical countermeasures in times of crises.

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, the “City of Peace.” Ahead of the Summit, JCIE has established the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force under the Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda and concrete measures to be promoted for global health in the context of the rapidly changing global health architecture.

Reflections on the 2023 G7’s Global Health Commitments

Hiroshima G7 global health task force follow-up initiative

This webinar is a kick-off for the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Follow-up Initiative, and aims to reflect on the 2023 G7 communique and past G7 commitments.

WEBINAR | For the Health of All Women and Children: What is the Role of the GFF?

GFF seminar

JCIE and Save the Children Japan co-hosted an event to discuss the role of the GFF in improving primary health care towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in low- and middle-income countries.