Regulatory Harmonization Task Force

In 2018, JCIE’s Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security created a Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia. The group, comprised of 15 experts from industry, academia, and government, seeks to formulate recommendations on how Japan could improve access to pharmaceuticals and medical devices in Asia.

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue Recommendations to the G7 2024

The culmination of an independent, nonstate actor-led Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue, this report reviews the progress of the G7’s past commitments to global health issues including antimicrobial resistance and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response;
identifies remaining challenges to be addressed by the G7; and seeks to promote coordination and consensus on global health priorities among nonstate stakeholders while transitioning between the 2023 Japanese G7 and the 2024 Italian G7 presidencies.

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia

JCIE has organized the “Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia” n order to deepen discussions on the Hiroshima G7 commitments, offer advice on key topics to be addressed, and build momentum toward the implementation of those commitments,

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, the “City of Peace.” Ahead of the Summit, JCIE has established the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force under the Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda and concrete measures to be promoted for global health in the context of the rapidly changing global health architecture.

Reflections on the 2023 G7’s Global Health Commitments

Hiroshima G7 global health task force follow-up initiative

This webinar is a kick-off for the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Follow-up Initiative, and aims to reflect on the 2023 G7 communique and past G7 commitments.

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Recommendations for the G7 Meetings in Japan

JCIE and Hiroshima G7 Task Force Members meet with Seiji Kihara and Keizo Takemi for the launch of the Task Force's Recommendations to the G7

This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for a COVID-19 emergency response.

JCIE Publication | Strengthening the Clinical Trial Site Network in Asia to Accelerate Harmonization of Development Systems and Regulations

This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for developing and expanding the network of Asian hubs as a way to accelerate harmonization of development systems.

Hiroshima G7 Task Force: Recommendations for Promoting Global Solidarity Towards a More Resilient Health System

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Recommendations for Promoting Global Solidarity Towards a More Resilient Health System

JCIE co-hosted a special webinar with Pandemic Action Network (PAN), and the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Future Initiatives to discuss JCIE’s Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force recommendations for Japan’s G7 global health agenda.

JCIE’s G7 Global Health Task Force Publishes Comments in the Lancet

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force

The Lancet published a comment from the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force, outlining the Task Force’s recommendations for tackling some of the main challenges in global health: advancing the resilience of health systems to address public health emergencies and enhancing global solidarity by transforming the global health architecture within the context of current geopolitical tensions.

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Dialogue Series

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force dialogue

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. JCIE has established a Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda for global health. This roundtable was an opportunity for leading US policymakers and experts to hear from and offer feedback to the director of the Task Force, Dr. Hideaki Shiroyama.