JCIE Publications | Sustainable Development and Human Security

This report provides a detailed synopsis of the presentations, discussion, and principal points from a two-day conference of leading intellectuals considering the underlying human security requirements for generating sustainable development in Asia Pacific.

JCIE Publications | The Asian Crisis and Human Security

This publication provides the speeches, background papers, and synopses of presentations and discussions from a dialogue carried out in response to Japan’s then-foreign minister Obuchi Keizo’s suggestion for “an intellectual dialogue on building Asia’s tomorrow.”

Global ThinkNet Fellows | New Approaches to Preventive Diplomacy

Five Global ThinkNet Fellows undertook a study project on preventive diplomacy under the direction of Dr. Hideo Sato, senior advisor to the rector of United Nations University. In October 1999, these researchers began examining such topics as UN peacekeeping activities; the peace-building process in Croatia; the international commitment to solve refugee problems; reconceptualizing the concept of state-nation relationship in Asia; and a new approach to the democratization process in Belarus.

Force, Order, and Global Governance: US, German, and Japan Perspectives

In 1999, JCIE and the Brookings Institution launched a project to help guide the process of consensus-building by examining the key areas of contention in greater depth from the perspectives of the United States, Germany, and Japan.

JCIE Publications | Domestic Adjustments to Globalization

This book compiles nine country surveys that were completed on the eve of the Asian crisis; these surveys reflect how the crisis has tested many ideas associated with globalization such as economic strategies, governance, and leadership.

JCIE Publications | Old Issues, New Responses

Six Japanese scholars examine Japan’s foreign and security policy options for the 21st century and present new policy proposals, in hopes to improve Sino-Japanese political relations, rectify Japan’s plutonium policy, and make the growing number of refugees around the world a Japanese priority.

JCIE Publications | Globalization, Governance, and Civil Society

A Global ThinkNet Conference report, this book examines topics related to globalization’s impact on governance, as well as the growing role of civil society organizations in improving the governance of domestic societies and the international community.

JCIE Publications | The New Asia-Pacific Order: A Summary Report

This report summarizes five issues raised at the New Asia-Pacific Order Conference: sustainability of economic dynamism; regional groupings in the next decade; major power shifts; a new security architecture; and globalization, particularism, democratization, and human rights.

Asia Pacific Agenda Project (APAP) Forums

The Asia Pacific Agenda Project (APAP) was launched as a celebration of JCIE’s 25th anniversary with three major goals in mind: to allow key personnel of independent policy-oriented research institutions to compare views, to assist in the institutional development of such research bodies, and to aid the development of a strong network among independent institutions.

JCIE Publications | Japan and the United States in Asia-Pacific

This final report of the Shimoda ’94 conference, explores the issues discussed at the conference, including economic cooperation, conflict, and regional security issues.