Development of Trilateral Cooperation in Global Governance among East Asia, North America, and Europe

Beginning in 2006, this APAP research program focused on the question of the “Development of Trilateral Cooperation among East Asia, North America, and Europe” and how the creation of a functional trilateral structure might be created to foster the stable development of global governance. As a result of the project, East Asia at a Crossroads was published in 2008.

China-Japan-US Research and Dialogue Project

Based on the premise that the security and prosperity of Asia Pacific is largely contingent upon cooperation among China, Japan, and the United States, JCIE launched a long-term policy research and dialogue project to explore the challenges that lie ahead. The project combines workshops involving experts with study groups of emerging intellectual leaders from the three countries.

An Enhanced Agenda for US-Japan Partnership

JCIE and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership undertook a study to explore how bilateral cooperation can be deepened in order to face common challenges, strengthen regional and global stability and prosperity, and, ultimately, make the US-Japan alliance more robust and versatile in light of wide-ranging developments that had begun to reshape Asia at the start of the 20th century.

US Congressional Staff Exchange | 2024 Delegation

The 2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional staffers the chance to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue

The 2023 US-Japan Global Health Dialogue brought together US and Japanese senior government officials, legislators, health experts, and other leaders to discuss how US-Japan collaboration can be leveraged to create more resilient, equitable, and sustainable universal health coverage (UHC) through stronger health systems, and to ensure timely and equitable access to medical countermeasures in times of crises.

FGFJ Arranges Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands Visit to Japan Ahead of the G7 Summit

The Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund), Peter Sands, visited Japan on March 1-2, 2023, and FGFJ helped arrange meetings with global health experts as well as a trip to the internationally renowned Research Institute of Tuberculosis to learn the history of Japan’s fight against tuberculosis and […]

Final Conference of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue

global health multistakeholder dialogue

JCIE co-hosted the hybrid final conference of the Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue: From Hiroshima to Puglia (GHMD) in Tokyo, Japan. About 120 experts, half of whom joined from overseas, gathered to consider priority challenges to be addressed by the Italian G7 in 2024 and recommend possible solutions to make our society more resilient to future pandemics.

Roundtable Discussion with Hiroshima G7 Global Health Taskforce Director in Washington DC

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. JCIE has established a Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda for global health. This roundtable was an opportunity for leading US policymakers and experts to hear from and offer feedback to the director of the Task Force, Dr. Hideaki Shiroyama.

JCIE/USA Roundtables & Special Events

JCIE/USA holds occasional roundtables, offering an opportunity for visiting scholars and experts to engage in initimate discussions with a select group of relevant stakeholders from the New York area. It also convenes roundtables that target the US-Japan Journalism Fellows and holds additional events for the business community.

ROUNDTABLE | Discussion with Governor Kuroiwa on Kanagawa’s Aging and Healthcare Policy

As part of our new US-Japan Program on Healthy and Resilient Aging, JCIE hosted a discussion between Kanagawa Governor Yuji Kuroiwa and a group of experts in the fields of global health, aging, and sustainable development.