JCIE in the Media
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Explore English-language articles written by or featuring JCIE staff and senior fellows, coverage of JCIE events, and stories written by JCIE’s US-Japan Journalism Fellows. For Japanese language articles click here.
Mainichi OpEd Quotes JCIE’s Menju, Says Japan Is Now an Immigrant Nation
| Mainichi Japan
May 7, 2024
“This rigid focus on accepting foreigners as a mere labor resource adjusting valve risks compromising human rights. Moreover, half-hearted integration policies and Japanese language education may exac…
Sustained and Strategic Investments Needed for US-Japan Collaboration
Susan Berresford and Kazuyo Kato | Alliance Magazine
April 5, 2024
This piece by JCIE executive director Kazuyo Kato and board member Susan Berresford highlights the need to continue investing in promoting intellectual exchange between Japan and the US to foster a ne…
Japan Elderly Care Services Drawing Interest from Thailand, Other Asian Nations
Etsuo Kono | Yomiuri Shimbun
February 8, 2024
“In early November, three older people with dementia were cleaning a park in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture. A group of nine visitors from Thailand, Vietnam, China and Singapore observed the way the th…
Japan as an “Immigrant Nation”: The Need for Frankness on Recent Policy Changes
Toshihiro Menju | nippon.com
September 21, 2023
“At a recent event…, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told attendees that, ‘we must imagine a society in which we can live together with foreigners’ in light of Japan’s demographic decline. The prime mini…
Over 23,000 Complaints Received from Foreign Technical Trainees in Japan
| NHK-World-Japan
December 12, 2022
“An organization that supports foreign technical trainees in Japan says it received more than 23,000 complaints in fiscal 2021. This comes amid reports about various problems, such as trainees not bei…
JCIE/Japan's Momoko Abe Interviewed on Ageing by NHK
| NHK World Japan
June 30, 2023
On the sidelines of the 16th International Federation on Ageing Conference in Bangkok, JCIE/Japan’s Momoko Abe discusses the importance of information sharing on innovative responses to aging.