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2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange

May 25–June 1, 2024 | Tokyo and Kumamoto

The 2024 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional staffers the chance to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 40th Conference

February 2–4, 2024 | Tokyo and Odawara, Kanagawa

The 40th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group met in Tokyo and Odawara to discuss critical issues facing bilateral relations and global geopolitics, including security, trade, climate cha…

31st Japanese-German Forum

November 15–17, 2023 | Berlin, Germany

At the 31st Japanese-German Forum, held in Berlin, Germany, Japanese and German politicians, policy experts, business leaders, and journalists discussed key bilateral topics—from global warming, accep…

2023 US Congressional Staff Exchange

October 9–October 15, 2023 | Tokyo and Hiroshima

The 2023 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program gave 7 Congressional Staff the opportunity to travel Japan, where they met with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

Trilateral Commission | 2023 Plenary Meeting

March 10–12, 2023 | New Delhi, India

The Trilateral Commission held its 2023 meeting in India, New Delhi —the first meeting to take place in India—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing…

2023 US Young Political Leaders 50th Anniversary Delegation to Japan

January 21–28, 2023 | Tokyo, Nagano

Celebrating 50 years of partnership between JCIE and the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), a delegation of 5 US Young Political Leaders traveled to Japan to meet with a variety of p…

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 39th Conference

January 12-15, 2023 | London and Norwich

The 39th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group met in London from January 13 to January 15, a welcome change from the online program necessitated last year by the COVID-19 pandemic.

ROUNDTABLE | Discussion with US Congressional Staff on Priorities of the 118th Congress

December 15, 2022 | Washington DC

JCIE/USA hosted a luncheon discussion with alumni of our US-Japan Congressional Staff Exchange Program, to share their thoughts on what to expect from the 118th Congress following the 2022 midterm ele…

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Asia Pacific Group Regional Meeting

November 20, 2022 | Tokyo

The Asia Pacific Group of the Trilateral Commission held its annual regional meeting in Tokyo, gathering leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international commun…

Group photo with Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi

2022 US Congressional Staff Delegation

October 10–October 16, 2022 | Tokyo and Okinawa

The 2022 US Congressional Staff Exchange Program will give 8 Congressional Staff to Japan, where they will meet with Japanese leaders across politics, media, and academia.

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Plenary Meeting

June 10–12, 2022 | Washington DC

The Trilateral Commission held its 2022 meeting in Washington DC—the first in-person plenary since the pandemic began—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issue…

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 38th Conference

March 8 & 11, 2022 | Online

The 38th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group was held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with the participation of around 20 members from each country, who held discussions on t…

Trilateral Commission Special Global Meeting on Global Capitalism in Transition

November 3–5, 2021 | Virtual

The Trilateral Commission launched the Task Force on “Global Capitalism in Transition” in April 2021, consisting of 30 experts and Commission members from the three regions, and conducted a series of…

Japan 101 Course: US Japan Relations During the Biden-Suga Era | 2021 Session

March 2–26, 2021 | Online

The Spring 2021 run of JCIE’s online course for Congressional Staff, which provides them with opportunities to meet e world’s top experts on US-Japan security, trade, and political issues.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group Webinar | The Future Direction of Japan Under Prime Minister Suga

February 25, 2021 | Online

The UK-Japan 21st Century Group  held its first online webinar to discuss Japan’s future under Prime Minister Suga.


2023 USJWLD report cover thumbnail

Report of the 2023 US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue | Empowering Our Future

Kimberly Gould Ashizawa


Report on the findings from the 2023 US-Japan Women Leaders Dialogue, which featured a visit to the US by six Japanese political and business leaders to discuss US-Japan and international relations, w…

Navigating China Relations and the US-Japan Alliance

October 2020

In January 2020, the United States and Japan marked the 60th anniversary of the revised US-Japan Security Treaty. Steps to strengthen this relationship, which should not be taken for granted, include…

Five Steps to Bolster the US-Japan Alliance

March 2020

In January 2020, the United States and Japan marked the 60th anniversary of the revised US-Japan Security Treaty. Steps to strengthen this relationship, which should not be taken for granted, include…

The Crisis of US Credibility in East Asia

October 2019

The decision by the US Congress to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over his pressuring of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has brought renewed attention t…

Japan Trade Officials and Companies Take a Nuanced Approach to US Tariffs

Adrian Ma

September 4, 2018

Adrian Ma explores the impact of the Trump administration’s 25 percent tariff on imported steel on Japan. How are Japanese companies and trade officials feeling about the president’s efforts to turn t…

Postcard from a Japanese Steel Town

By Adrian Ma

August 1, 2018

JCIE Journalism Fellow Adrian Ma, a reporter based in the American Midwest, explores Japan’s oldest steel town, Kamaishi.

Japan Exasperated by Trump’s Trade Policies

Adam Behsudi

October 15, 2017

As US farmers suffer under high tariffs, Japanese officials are in no rush to cut a new trade deal with the United States.

Trump, Abe Talk Trade, Security

Interview with James Gannon

February 10, 2017

In an interview with Fred Katayama of Reuters, James Gannon offers insight to the changing relationship between President Trump and Prime Minister Abe, the impact of a bilateral free trade agreement,…

No TPP Trade Deal? Some Japanese Farmers Say All the Better for Them

Julie Makinen

July 5, 2016

Rice farmer Takao Terada isn’t following the U.S. presidential election too closely. But there’s one issue that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton seem to agree on — that the U.S. should not ratify…

Come on Japan, Get with the Program

Sally Herships

September 21, 2015

Founding a startup today has become the stuff of TV and movies around the world.  But in Japan today, founding a tech company is not what you might call super popular. Silicon Valley appreciates a goo…

Beyond 2015: ASEAN-Japan Strategic Partnership for Democracy, Peace, and Prosperity in Southeast Asia

Rizal Sukma and Yoshihide Soeya, eds.


This report, based on the study conducted to reexamine and redefine the strategic value of ASEAN-Japan cooperation, offers recommendations for such cooperation and integration among ASEAN countries.

A Pacific Nation: Perspectives on the US Role in an East Asia Community

Mark Borthwick and Tadashi Yamamoto, eds.


In this volume, experts from Asia and the United States explore the latest changes in US involvement in regional affairs and analyze the region’s divergent perspectives on the role that the US should…

The Rise of China and a Changing East Asian Order

Japan Center for International Exchange


Senior international relations experts examine a wide range of topics including China’s changing role in Asia and its impact on regional community building, domestic dynamics related to China’s politi…

China-Japan-US Relations

Morton I. Abramowitz, Yoichi Funabashi, and Wang Jisi

August 2002

In this volume, leading policy experts from each of the three countries review the underlying challenges confronting the development of this vital China-Japan-US triangle.

Major Power Relations in Northeast Asia

David M. Lampton, ed.

November 2001

This publication, the result of a study on the “China-Japan-US Research and Dialogue Project,” contains essays by six American analysts in a multinational team identifying the challenges to productive…