Mainichi OpEd Quotes JCIE’s Menju, Says Japan Is Now an Immigrant Nation

“This rigid focus on accepting foreigners as a mere labor resource adjusting valve risks compromising human rights. Moreover, half-hearted integration policies and Japanese language education may exacerbate societal divisions.
The JCIE’s Menju says, ‘Japan is no longer in any position to treat immigration as taboo. The government must make its basic stance on this clear.'”

Sustained and Strategic Investments Needed for US-Japan Collaboration

This piece by JCIE executive director Kazuyo Kato and board member Susan Berresford highlights the need to continue investing in promoting intellectual exchange between Japan and the US to foster a new generation of leaders who can maintain the strength of the US-Japan alliance.

Japan Elderly Care Services Drawing Interest from Thailand, Other Asian Nations

“In early November, three older people with dementia were cleaning a park in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture. A group of nine visitors from Thailand, Vietnam, China and Singapore observed the way the three, who receive the services of a nearby daycare center, were contributing to their community. The visitors included representatives of civil society organizations that provide support for the elderly. The Japan Center for International Exchange, which aims to help other Asian countries in dealing with issues related to population aging, was among the organizations that invited the visitors to learn about Japan’s elderly care services.”

JCIE/Japan’s Toshihiro Menju Writes on Japan’s Immigration Policy

“At a recent event…, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told attendees that, ‘we must imagine a society in which we can live together with foreigners’ in light of Japan’s demographic decline. The prime minister should also explain to the Japanese people in a concrete and clear manner that coexistence with foreigners is essential for Japan’s future. […]

JCIE Managing Director Toshihiro Menju Speaks on Japan’s Foreign Technical Trainee Program

“An organization that supports foreign technical trainees in Japan says it received more than 23,000 complaints in fiscal 2021. This comes amid reports about various problems, such as trainees not being paid or being unjustly dismissed. Japan has a program for trainees from developing countries. The individuals are able to learn about technology and acquire […]

JCIE/Japan’s Momoko Abe Interviewed on Aging by NHK

On the sidelines of the 16th International Federation on Ageing Conference in Bangkok, JCIE/Japan’s Momoko Abe discusses the importance of information sharing on innovative responses to aging.

The US and Japan as G7 Champions of Health and Democracy

In this op-ed published in the Diplomat ahead of the 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima, JCIE/USA Executive Director Kazuyo Kato and Ambassador (ret.) Mark Lagon, Chief Policy Officer at Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, call for more deliberate US-Japan collaboration in the areas of global health and democratic norms to underpin the two countries’ mutual commitment to uphold human dignity.

JCIE’s G7 Global Health Task Force Publishes Comments in the Lancet

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force

The Lancet published a comment from the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force, outlining the Task Force’s recommendations for tackling some of the main challenges in global health: advancing the resilience of health systems to address public health emergencies and enhancing global solidarity by transforming the global health architecture within the context of current geopolitical tensions.

Press Briefing on Population Decline and Immigration Policy

Toshihiro Menju speaks at the Foreign Press Center of Japan on the policy measures Japan should adopt to attract and support foreign residents as a way to address population aging.

Kishida Shows Leadership at TICAD on Global Health and Security

This piece by JCIE/USA Executive Director Kazuyo Kato highlights the significant of Japan’s recent pledge to the Global Fund, made at TICAD8.