Seminar: NGOs as Strategic Partners in Development and Humanitarian Assistance

This seminar was part of a JCIE project on NGOs as Strategic Partners, conducted from 2015 to 2018. Participants examined what Japanese NGOs and government agencies can do to work together on ODA, drawing on the US experience of fostering strategic partnerships on development and humanitarian assistance to consider steps that can help government agencies and NGOs become true strategic partners.

JCIE Publications | Becoming Strategic Partners: Lessons for NGOs and Government Agencies from the American Experience

This report examines how strategic partnerships between NGOs and the US Government operate and why they emerged, drawing lessons on how Japanese NGOs might develop similar partnerships and build the foundations for deeper US-Japan cooperation on development.

NGOs as Strategic Partners

JCIE conducted a series of studies and exchanges to examine the lessons that Japanese NGOs can draw from the US experience to expand their capacity and better engage in partnerships. As part of this project, a delegation of Japanese NGO leaders visited Washington DC for meetings with NGO leaders, government officials, and policy experts, and a major conference was held at the National Diet of Japan to discuss ways to strengthen NGO capacity.

NGOs as Strategic Partners | Follow-Up Diet-NGO Roundtable

Five NGO leaders and three Diet members came together for a roundtable to discuss how to strengthen Japanese NGOs’ institutional capacity to work as strategic partners with the the government on development and humanitarian affairs. They discussed how to advance US-Japan cooperation and make the NGO sector in Japan more effective.

NGOs as Strategic Partners: Japanese NGO Leaders Delegation to Washington DC

JCIE brought a team of executives from leading Japanese NGOs in the field of development and humanitarian assistance to the US to study what is needed to strengthen the institutional capacity of Japan’s NGO sector and advance US-Japan development cooperation.

JCIE Publications | Getting International Disaster Philanthropy Right: Lessons from Japan’s 2011 Tsunami

This report looks closely at the US’s philanthropic response to Japan’s March 2011 tsunami, drawing lessons on what can be done in future responses to overseas disasters, especially in other developed countries.

Civil Society Monitor | Special Edition (March 2016)

US Giving for Japan Disaster Nears $750 Million

JCIE Publications | The Tiffany Foundation Award

The recipients of the Tiffany Foundation Award for the Preservation of Japanese Traditional Arts and Culture in Contemporary Society, created in 2008 by JCIE and The Tiffany & Co. Foundation are highlighted in this report.

JCIE Publications | Asia on the Move: Regional Migration and the Role of Civil Society

Experts analyze migration trends in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia; government efforts to manage this movement; and the role of NGOs in helping to protect migrants and to harness migration to benefit the region.

US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange | 2015 Japanese Diet Delegation to the US

The 2015 US-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program brought the 28th delegation of Japanese diet members and parliamentarians to the US, where they met and engaged in discussions with members of Congress and their staff, journalists, and policy experts.