Security (Traditional & Non-Traditional)

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UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 40th Conference

February 2–4, 2024 | Tokyo and Odawara, Kanagawa

The 40th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group met in Tokyo and Odawara to discuss critical issues facing bilateral relations and global geopolitics, including security, trade, climate cha…

31st Japanese-German Forum

November 15–17, 2023 | Berlin, Germany

At the 31st Japanese-German Forum, held in Berlin, Germany, Japanese and German politicians, policy experts, business leaders, and journalists discussed key bilateral topics—from global warming, accep…

31st Korea-Japan Forum

August 30–September 1, 2023 | Seoul

The 31st Korea-Japan Forum, held in Seoul, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and security issues facing the two countries, and the la…

Trilateral Commission | 2023 Plenary Meeting

March 10–12, 2023 | New Delhi, India

The Trilateral Commission held its 2023 meeting in India, New Delhi —the first meeting to take place in India—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing…

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 39th Conference

January 12-15, 2023 | London and Norwich

The 39th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group met in London from January 13 to January 15, a welcome change from the online program necessitated last year by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Asia Pacific Group Regional Meeting

November 20, 2022 | Tokyo

The Asia Pacific Group of the Trilateral Commission held its annual regional meeting in Tokyo, gathering leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issues facing the international commun…

Interviews from the Sunnylands Initiative Retreat

August 1–2, 2022 | Odawara, Japan

At the second meeting of the Sunnylands Initiative on Enhancing Democratic Partnership in the Indo-Pacific region in Japan, select participants shared their thoughts on key issues concerning democracy…

30th Korea-Japan Forum

August 18 and 24–26, 2022 | Tokyo

The 30th Korea-Japan Forum, held in Tokyo, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and security issues facing the two countries, and the la…

Second Sunnylands Initiative Retreat Hosted in Japan

August 1–2, 2022 | Odawara, Japan

Responding to the urgent need to address the threats to democracy in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world, JCIE convened the second meeting of the Sunnylands Initiative on Enhancing Democratic…

Trilateral Commission | 2022 Plenary Meeting

June 10–12, 2022 | Washington DC

The Trilateral Commission held its 2022 meeting in Washington DC—the first in-person plenary since the pandemic began—drawing hundreds of leaders from around the globe to promote dialogue on key issue…

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 38th Conference

March 8 & 11, 2022 | Online

The 38th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group was held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with the participation of around 20 members from each country, who held discussions on t…

29th Korea-Japan Forum

November 29 and December 3, 2021 | Online

The 29th Korea-Japan Forum, held online, brought together participants to discuss domestic political shifts and bilateral relations, economic and technology cooperation, and the latest geopolitical de…

UK-Japan 21st Century Group Webinar | The Future Direction of Japan Under Prime Minister Suga

February 25, 2021 | Online

The UK-Japan 21st Century Group  held its first online webinar to discuss Japan’s future under Prime Minister Suga.

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 37th Conference

September 11–12, 2020 | Online

The 37th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic with the participation of 20 members from each country, who held discussions on the latest polit…

UK-Japan 21st Century Group | 36th Conference

September 6–8, 2019 | London and Cantebury

The 36th annual meeting of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group convened in London and Cantebury at the height of a dramatic period in the Brexit saga as Prime Minister Boris Johnson had just announced pla…


Beware the US-Japan Alliance China Gap

August 2023

Amid the intensifying rivalry between the United States and China, Japan finds itself in an increasingly delicate situation, caught between its security guarantor and its leading economic partner. As…

The China Challenge and US-Japan Relations under Fumio Kishida

December 2021

Japan’s new Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, passed his first test and guided the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to victory in the Lower House election on October 31, less than one month after he…

Deepening US-Japan Strategic Cooperation on China and the Indo-Pacific

June 2021

The new Biden administration has emphasized the importance of cooperation with East Asian allies to uphold a stable, rules-based regional order, while at the same time seeking a tough and united appro…

The Biden Administration’s Chance to Get Asia Policy Right—A View from Japan

February 2021

The Biden administration faces complex challenges in maintaining peace, stability and prosperity while restoring multilateral diplomacy with East Asia. Overcoming these obstacles will require special…

Navigating China Relations and the US-Japan Alliance

October 2020

In January 2020, the United States and Japan marked the 60th anniversary of the revised US-Japan Security Treaty. Steps to strengthen this relationship, which should not be taken for granted, include…

Five Steps to Bolster the US-Japan Alliance

March 2020

In January 2020, the United States and Japan marked the 60th anniversary of the revised US-Japan Security Treaty. Steps to strengthen this relationship, which should not be taken for granted, include…

The Crisis of US Credibility in East Asia

October 2019

The decision by the US Congress to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over his pressuring of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has brought renewed attention t…

Japan on Missile Mission to Get 127 Million People to Hide—Fast

Natalie Andrews

Sep 15, 2017

Natalie Andrews reports on Japan’s efforts to train its citizens how to effectively respond to a missile threat, a necessary process given looming threats from North Korea.

Trump, Abe Talk Trade, Security

Interview with James Gannon

February 10, 2017

In an interview with Fred Katayama of Reuters, James Gannon offers insight to the changing relationship between President Trump and Prime Minister Abe, the impact of a bilateral free trade agreement,…

Navigating Change: ASEAN-Japan Strategic Partnership in East Asia and in Global Governance

Rizal Sukma and Yoshihide Soeya, eds.


In preparation for the Japan-ASEAN Ministerial meetings, Navigating Change proposes ways in which strategic partnerships between ASEAN and Japan can help to create a more stable East Asia, as well as…

Beyond 2015: ASEAN-Japan Strategic Partnership for Democracy, Peace, and Prosperity in Southeast Asia

Rizal Sukma and Yoshihide Soeya, eds.


This report, based on the study conducted to reexamine and redefine the strategic value of ASEAN-Japan cooperation, offers recommendations for such cooperation and integration among ASEAN countries.

A Growing Force: Civil Society's Role in Asian Regional Security

Rizal Sukma and James Gannon, eds.


The authors explore the role of civil society organizations in responding to security threats in the five areas of piracy, disaster relief, human trafficking, health, and climate change, in order to a…

An Enhanced Agenda for US-Japan Partnership—Roundtable Report

Lilian Haney/Japan Center for International Exchange


On September 16, 2011, more than 20 policy experts convened in Washington DC to explore the recent evolution of the US-Japan relationship at a roundtable discussion on “Domestic Political Change and t…

A Pacific Nation: Perspectives on the US Role in an East Asia Community

Mark Borthwick and Tadashi Yamamoto, eds.


In this volume, experts from Asia and the United States explore the latest changes in US involvement in regional affairs and analyze the region’s divergent perspectives on the role that the US should…

New Challenges, New Approaches: Regional Security Cooperation in East Asia

Tadashi Yamamoto and Koji Watanabe, eds.


Experts explore new challenges related to nontraditional security threats in East Asia, analyze the capacity of existing regional mechanisms to deal with them, and offer recommendations on the necessa…