
The Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security is a unique public-private platform that facilitates the Japanese government’s policymaking on global health and public-private collaboration in that field. Under the chairmanship of former Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Keizo Takemi, the committee holds quarterly meetings to provide a venue for unofficial exchanges of views and information sharing among government ministries, academia, private companies, and civil society organizations in Japan. Global health experts from Japan and overseas are invited to speak at the meetings to offer their knowledge and advice.

The committee was initially launched in 2007 as the Working Group on Challenges in Global Health and Japan’s Contributions to prepare policy recommendations for the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit the following year. The committee is an integral part of the Global Health and Human Security Program of JCIE, which manages all aspects of the committee’s work.


In addition to its regular meetings, the following is a select list of some of the working groups and task forces established under the Executive Committee’s auspices:


JCIE USA Hosts Meetings with Yasuhisa Shiozaki on Global Health and US-Japan Relations

September 23–26, 2024 | Washington DC and New York NY

JCIE USA hosted a series of events with Hon. Yasuhisa Shiozaki, chair of JCIE’s Executive Committee on Global Health & Human Security and Japan’s former Minister of Health, Labour & Welfare, to Washin…

Hiroshima G7 global health task force follow-up initiative

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Follow-Up Initiative Kick-off Event: Reflections on the 2023 G7

June 27, 2023 | Online

This webinar is a kick-off for the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Follow-up Initiative, and aims to reflect on the 2023 G7 communique and past G7 commitments.

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Recommendations for Promoting Global Solidarity Towards a More Resilient Health System

Hiroshima G7 Task Force: Recommendations for Promoting Global Solidarity Towards a More Resilient Health System

April 5, 2023 | Online

JCIE co-hosted a special webinar with Pandemic Action Network (PAN), and the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Future Initiatives to discuss JCIE’s Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force recommendati…

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force dialogue

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Dialogue Series

February 1–10, 2023 | Online

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. JCIE has established a Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda for global health….

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Taskforce Roundtable Discussion

November 30, 2022 | Washington DC

In 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. JCIE has established a Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda for global health….

German-Japan global health dialogue cover image

The Roles of Germany and Japan in Global Health IV

October 19, 2022 | Berlin and Online

Japanese and German politicians, policy experts, business leaders, and global health experts participated in a hybrid forum to utilize the countries’ bilateral relationship to discuss key issues in gl…

Launch of the G7 Global Health Task Force

August 10, 2022 | Japan

Ahead of the G7 Summit, JCIE has established the 2023 G7 Global Health Task Force under the Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security to make recommendations to the Japanese government o…

Briefing on the ACT-Accelerator at the Special Session of the Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security

May 19, 2021 | Virtual

On May 19th, ten leaders of the global health organizations that comprise the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, as well as Ambassador Carl Bildt, WHO Special Envoy for ACT-Accelerator, joine…

Reformulating Japan's Global Health ODA to Meet Changing Global Needs

January 30, 2020 | Bangkok, Thailand

More than 30 senior government officials, health experts, and leaders from international organizations gathered to discuss the direction Japan should take to improve its developmental assistance for h…

Policy Recommendations for the 2016 G7 Summit in Japan: Toward Resilient and Sustainable Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

January 27, 2016 | Bangkok, Thailand

At this side event to the 2016 Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC), members of JCIE’s Global Health Working Group (GHWG) presented their draft policy recommendations for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in…

Dissemination Seminar in Africa—Global Action for Health System Strengthening

April 17–18, 2009 | Nairobi, Kenya

A final dissemination seminar for the Global Action for Health System Strengthening report was held in Nairobi, in collaboration with the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), on April 17–1…

Dissemination Seminars in the United States—Global Action for Health System Strengthening

March 17–19, 2009 |

Two dissemination seminars for Global Action for Health System Strengthening were organized in Washington DC, one on March 17, 2009, that was organized in collaboration with the Center for Global Deve…

Dissemination Seminar in Asia—Global Action for Health System Strengthening

January 27, 2009 | Bangkok, Thailand

The primary goal of this seminar was to share with a broad group of global health stakeholders the outcomes of a recent report produced by an international task force of global health experts.

International Conference on Global Action for Health System Strengthening

November 3–4, 2008 | Tokyo, Japan

A high-level international conference was convened in Tokyo on November 3–4, 2008, to explore the creation of a global strategic framework for strengthening health systems in developing countries arou…


Recommendations for Japan’s 3rd Healthcare Policy: A Global Perspective

Executive Committee on Global Health & Human Security, JCIE


These recommendations for Japan’s 3rd Healthcare Policy, compiled by a working group of executive committee fellows from JCIE’s Executive Committee on Global Health & Human Security and JCIE staff, ca…

Strengthening Human Capital Development for Clinical Trials to Prepare for Future Health Crises

Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia, Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security


This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines recommendations of the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia the Task Force on ways…

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue Recommendations to the G7 2024

Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue


The culmination of an independent, nonstate actor-led Global Health Multistakeholder Dialogue, this report reviews the progress of the G7’s past commitments to global health issues including antimicro…

JCIE and Hiroshima G7 Task Force Members meet with Seiji Kihara and Keizo Takemi for the launch of the Task Force's Recommendations to the G7

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Recommendations for the G7 Meetings in Japan

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force

April 2023

This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for a COVID-19…

Strengthening the Clinical Trial Site Network in Asia to Accelerate Harmonization of Development Systems and Regulations: Developing and Expanding the Network of Asian Hubs

Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia, Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security


This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for developing…

Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force

JCIE's Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force Publishes Comments in the Lancet Ahead of G7 Meetings

April 4, 2023

The Lancet published a comment from the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force, outlining the Task Force’s recommendations for tackling some of the main challenges in global health: advancing the resil…

A COVID-19 Emergency Response Strategy—Establishing Domestic Vaccine Development Capacity During a Public Health Emergency

Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia, Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security


This report, available in both English and Japanese, outlines the Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia’s strategy recommendations for a COVID-19…

Japan’s Global Health Diplomacy in the Post-COVID Era—The Paradigm Shift Needed on ODA and Related Policies

Special Commission on Japan’s Strategy on Development Assistance for Health

2020 & 2021

A report from a high-level commission organized by JCIE calls for the Japanese government to better coordinate and strategize its health ODA by creating a centralized “control tower” and to double fun…

Survey of Japanese Legislators: Attitudes on ODA and Global Health

Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE)

June 2020

A JCIE survey of Japanese legislators finds that 80 percent of the 92 respondents favor steps to increase Japan’s official development assistance (ODA), with most prioritizing funding for health progr…

A UHC Approach to Harmonizing Asian Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulations

Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia, Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security


The recommendations of JCIE’s Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia examines specific areas Japan should tackle in order to promote regulatory har…

Recommendations on Formulating a Grand Design for Asian Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization

Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security, JCIE


The recommendations of JCIE’s Task Force for Promoting Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization in Asia highlight a need for regulatory harmonization and cross-sectoral cooperation.

Advancing a Global Health Agenda in the SDG Era: Enhancing Japan’s Leadership Role in 2019–2020

International Advisory Group on Global Health (IAG)

November 2018

This report details the insights from an ad hoc, 15-member “JCIE International Advisory Group on Global Health (IAG)” on the topic of supporting countries in implementing universal health coverage and…

Protecting Human Security: Proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan

Global Health Working Group for the 2016 G7 Summit

May 21, 2016

This article shares policy recommendations to develop: global structures that enable effective preparedness for health emergencies, knowledge-sharing platforms for health system resilience and sustain…

Global Action for Health System Strengthening: Policy Recommendations to the G8

Task Force on Global Action for Health System Strengthening


This report was submitted to the Japanese and Italian governments in January 2009 for consideration for the 2009 G8 Summit agenda.



Keizo Takemi          

Member, House of Councillors; Former Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) 


Isao Kano

President and CEO, JCIE


Ichiro Aisawa

Member, House of Representatives

Katsunobu Kato

Member, House of Representatives

Yasuhisa Shiozaki

Former Member, House of Representatives

Norihisa Tamura

Member, House of Representatives


Keishi Abe

Member, House of Representatives

Kozo Akino

Member, House of Councillors

Daiho Fujii

Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance (MOF)

Kazuhiro Fujii

Member, House of Councillors 

Yasuhiro Fujiwara

Chief Executive, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

Motohisa Furukawa

Member, House of Representatives

Kinya Hamaguchi

Executive Board Member, Japan Medical Association

Eiji Hinoshita

Councillor, Cabinet Agency for Infectious Disease Crisis Management, Cabinet Secretariat

Haruhiko Hirate

Executive Vice President, Dentsu Group, Inc.

Naoki Ikegami

Professor Emeritus, Keio University

Sachiko Imoto 

Senior Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Masaki Inaba 

Co-Chair, Africa Japan Forum; Chair, Japan CSO Network on Global Health

Masamine Jimba

Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo

Mayumi Katsube

Chairperson, JOICFP (Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning)

Yasushi Katsuma

Professor, Faculty of International Research & Education, Waseda University; Director, Institute for Global Health Policy Research (iGHP), National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM)

Kiyoshi Kita

Dean, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University

Kiyoshi Kodera

Board Member, Save the Children Japan; Senior Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute, UK; Advocacy Advisor, WaterAid Japan

Norihiro Kokudo

President, National Center for Global Health and Medicine

Osamu Kunii 

Executive Director and CEO, Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT)

Kiyoshi Kurokawa

Adjunct Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Honorary Chairman for Life, Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)

Kenichi Matsumoto

Vice Chairman, The Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations

Yoshiro Matsuo

Vice President and Representative Director, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Haruo Naito

President and CEO, Eisai Co., Ltd.

Ryo Nakamura

Director-General for Global Issues/ Assistant Minister (Ambassador), Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Yasuhide Nakamura

President, WHO Association of Japan

Hiroki Nakatani

Visiting Professor, School of Medicine, Keio University

Shigeru Omi

Representative Director, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association; Regional Director Emeritus, World Organization for Western Pacific Region (WPRO)

Masami Sakoi

Medical Commissioner, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Atsushi Seike

President, Japanese Red Cross Society

Kenji Shibuya

President, Medical Excellence JAPAN

Mizue Shiomi

Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Hideaki Shiroyama

Affiliated Faculty Member, Institute for Future Initiatives; Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy; Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo

Tomofumi Sone

President, National Institute of Public Health

Hideo Suzuki

Ambassador for Global Health, Executive Director for Healthcare Policy, Cabinet Office

Mari Takagi

Member, House of Councillors

Yukio Takasu

Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Human Security, UN

Toshiko Takeya

Member, House of Councillors

Isao Teshirogi

President and CEO, Shionogi & Co., Ltd.

Naoko Yamamoto

Professor, Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare 

Kenji Yasukawa

Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, Astellas Pharma Inc. 


Naoki Kondo

Professor and Chair, Department of Social Epidemiology and Global Health, Graduate School of Medicine Public Health, Kyoto University

Shuhei Nomura

Professor, Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)

Haruka Sakamoto

Visiting Associate Professor, Division of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, St. Luke’s International University


as of March 2025

The Executive Committee was founded by and is organized by JCIE with the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.