Mainichi OpEd Quotes JCIE’s Menju, Says Japan Is Now an Immigrant Nation

“This rigid focus on accepting foreigners as a mere labor resource adjusting valve risks compromising human rights. Moreover, half-hearted integration policies and Japanese language education may exacerbate societal divisions.
The JCIE’s Menju says, ‘Japan is no longer in any position to treat immigration as taboo. The government must make its basic stance on this clear.'”

WEBINAR | Public Symposium Towards a Safer Transnational Migration—Bringing Together Multiple Stakeholders’ Perspectives

JCIE will hold an online public symposium, ” Towards a Safer Transnational Migration: Bringing in Migrants’ Perspectives,” to enhance information access for foreign migrants and promote accountability by comparing the experiences of individuals from Nepal and Myanmar in Japan and Korea.

JCIE/Japan’s Toshihiro Menju Writes on Japan’s Immigration Policy

“At a recent event…, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told attendees that, ‘we must imagine a society in which we can live together with foreigners’ in light of Japan’s demographic decline. The prime minister should also explain to the Japanese people in a concrete and clear manner that coexistence with foreigners is essential for Japan’s future. […]

JCIE Managing Director Toshihiro Menju Speaks on Japan’s Foreign Technical Trainee Program

“An organization that supports foreign technical trainees in Japan says it received more than 23,000 complaints in fiscal 2021. This comes amid reports about various problems, such as trainees not being paid or being unjustly dismissed. Japan has a program for trainees from developing countries. The individuals are able to learn about technology and acquire […]

Sustainable Aid Systems for Foreign Residents in Japan (SAFOR)

JCIE has launched the Sustainable Aid Systems for Foreign Residents in Japan (SAFOR) Project in cooperation with Japan Platform to provide ongoing humanitarian assistance to foreign residents in need in Japan.

Press Briefing on Population Decline and Immigration Policy

Toshihiro Menju speaks at the Foreign Press Center of Japan on the policy measures Japan should adopt to attract and support foreign residents as a way to address population aging.

Humanitarian Aid for Marginalized Immigrants (HAMIS)

In partnership with the Japan Platform (JPF), JCIE has launched a project to provide grants utilizing funds held in dormant bank accounts in Japan. Humanitarian Aid for Marginalized Immigrants (HAMIS), will provide financial support to organizations that provides humanitarian assistance and support self-reliance among foreign residents in Japan.

National Network for an Inclusive Future (NANIF)

JCIE has launched the National Network for an Inclusive Future, which aims to support the establishment of regional platforms to discuss the acceptance and settlement of foreigners throughout Japan. With support from the Toyota Foundation, JCIE will work with local governments, councils, NPOs, companies, media, and other Japanese organizations tackling obstacles to foreign talent and multicultural coexistence in local communities.

SYMPOSIUM | New Strategies for Japan to Become a Country of Choice

As part of JCIE’s Roundtable on Japan’s Migration Policy Program JCIE is hosting a public symposium to discuss what is needed to make Japan a “country of choice” for foreigners seeking employment.

Japan Looks to Accept More Foreigners in Key Policy Shift

Toshihiro Menju, managing director of JCIE/Japan, comments on Japan’s need to welcome foreign workers as it grapples with demographic change in this Reuter’s article.